Customers: YuPM-Kyummen Forrest Russia (UPM Kymmene)
Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2008/02
Number of licenses: 30
YuPM-Kyummene Forrest Russia LLC is subsidiary company of UPM Kymmene international concern with the headquarters in Helsinki which is one of the leading timber industry concerns of the world issuing journal, newspaper, chistotsellyulozny and special paper, products from the processed paper and products from wood. In Russia two trade missions of UPM, large logging division, the plants on production of plywood and an interline interval and also the sawing plant work.
With increase in amount of works of YuPM-Kyummene Forrest Russia LLC company the powerful information system, for conducting inventory accounting, settlement and cash management was required. A choice of the software product for implementation was made in advantage "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" on the basis of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform as its opportunities ideally conform to requirements of conducting operational accounting in UPM.
The partner in implementation selected branch of 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) – St. Petersburg having ten years' experience of successful implementations of software products of 1C.
During the project data exchange between territorially remote branches of the company was organized. Specialists of BIT company provided training of staff of the organization in work with the installed software products by "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8".
Today in a system about 30 users work and the following subsystems are implemented:
- management of settlement;
- management of the relations with partners;
- cash management;
- planning of cash flows;
- batch input of payment documents;
- inventory management.
Now consulting user support of a system is given and the production block is implemented. As a result of implementation "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" the company "YuPM-Kyummen Forrest Russia" received uniform base of accounting of primary documentation thanks to what automated management of financial flows and terms on preparation of the management reporting are reduced.