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IMKOSERVIS (1C: Enterprise 8.2)

Customers: Imkoservice

Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care

Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2008/01
Number of licenses: 25

Automation of IMKOSERVICE LLC company based on software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is complete

The Russian enterprise IMKOSERVICE LLC was created in 2000 and includes a team of the specialists working in the field of sale and service of the medical equipment since 1992.

Today behind command shoulders - the 10th summer experience of representation of interests, sales and equipment maintenance of production of one of the leading world companies HELLIGE GmbH and in an effect and Markett-Hellige Gmbh (MARQUETTE-HELLIGE GmbH); close long-term cooperation with the companies Fresenius, General Electric, Draeger, Martin. Exactly thanks to this experience and successful work IMKOSERVICE company acquired the rights of exclusive representation of products of the companies Schwarzer and Martin in the Russian market.

Before implementation of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" at the enterprise accounting was not automated. Paper carriers, spreadsheets and databases which formed manually were used. All this led to a zadvoyeniye of data in the different systems, information and there were errors in accounting and also there was no possibility of operational obtaining information on activity of divisions. Automation of all types of accounting was a main objective of implementation of software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8": accounting, tax, production, operational, personnel records and payroll and also to a reporting possibility according to IFRS on the basis of credentials in a system. After market research of domestic software products the company management stopped the choice on the solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" which standard functionality as much as possible corresponded to requirements of the enterprise. The 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) having successful experience of implementation of large trade and industrial enterprises and having big staff of qualified specialists became the partner in implementation. Specialists of 1C: Accounting and Trade company trained (BIT) employees, installed and configured a system, developed detailed user instructions. In total during implementation 13 jobs were automated. The following subsystems are put into operation:

  • Accounting, tax accounting and accounting for IFRS;
  • Personnel records, payroll calculation and the regulated reporting, a time recording, the analysis of personnel structure and application of different motivational schemes;
  • Purchases (supply) and vendor relationship management, including order placement to suppliers, settlement with suppliers, purchase planning, accounting of arrival of Inventories and non-invoiced deliveries;
  • Warehouse and logistics, including: management of warehouse stocks and order warehouse; accounting of Inventories in shop warehouses, a complete set and disassembling of Inventories; control and accounting of serial numbers, expiration dates and certificates;
  • Sales (sale and vendor relationship management), including: order placement of buyers, settlement with buyers (CRM) and sales accounting of Inventories.

As a result of implementation of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 we received a system which completely automated:

  • accounting;
  • tax accounting;
  • personnel records;
  • payroll;
  • an inventory control (in the central warehouses).

Staff of the company got rid of need of accomplishment of many routine transactions manually. Results of implementation all were satisfied. The quality of work of specialists of BIT completely conforms to requirements. Now information and technology maintenance is performed.

The Following Tasks Were Performed:

  • Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
  • Sale of the selected software products
  • Delivery of software products in office of the customer
  • Software installation on the customer's computers
  • Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
  • Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
  • Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation)
  • Individual training at office of the customer