Customers: Energopromservice (ENPRO)
Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2007/01
Number of licenses: 30
Automation of Ltd NPP Energopromservice company based on software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is complete
ENPRO — the engineering company executing design and construction of power grid objects and also implementation and service maintenance of automated control systems and energy-saving technologies at the enterprises of power and the industry. ENPRO company has the Certificate of conformity to requirements to ISO 9001:2008 (GOST P ISO 9001-2008).
The purpose of our company increase in efficiency of the enterprise by implementation of advanced technologies of automation and energy saving for generating, network and power supply companies and also for industrial enterprises. Our products: the automation systems of technology processes, measurements, control and management, accounting of energy resources developed and executed individually proceeding from specific features of a fabrication cycle and business processes of the enterprises. Before implementation at the enterprise used different information systems and spreadsheets using which it was difficult to control stock balance and to plan purchases of the necessary descriptions of goods.
The program did not cope also with the increasing information volume. It was required to receive consolidated statements according to all sections of accounting at the enterprise. Ensure functioning in a common information space to a large number of users with separation of access rights to information. The company management made the decision on implementation of the new software product. Due to the start of a production line the information system which would provide maintaining managerial, production, operational and accounting was required. To assigned tasks as much as possible there corresponded the solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8". The important role when choosing the software product was played that all changes in the legislation concerning documents and the reporting quickly are reflected in a configuration, and besides, in the Russian market there is a large number of specialists in implementation and system maintenance. As the partner in implementation there was a 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) as has staff of qualified specialists and has successful experience of automation of trade and industrial enterprises.
During the project training of employees was provided, methodological support, consultation of users was given, 30 jobs are automated and the following sections and business processes of the company are automated:
- Production management;
- Purchase management;
- Inventory management;
- Personnel records (Personnel management);
- Payroll;
- Operational accounting (Sales planning; Sales management);
- Accounting and tax accounting.
As a result of implementation the quantity of errors at products cost accounting was reduced by 30%. Now, at automatic cost accounting, process of pricing became more flexible and exact in calculations. In turn it allowed to offer competitive prices for clients. Accounting of goods on storage locations allowed to service clients more quickly. Managers spend twice less time for processing of one order - only 10 min. instead of 20 min. as earlier. Thus, it was possible, without employing additional personnel, to ship bigger goods quantity for unit of working time of employees. Considerably time for formation of accounting and tax statements, conducting personnel records and payroll calculation decreased. And reporting according to IFRS occupies 1 day less now. Now information and technology support and also support of the software product is given.
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
- Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
- Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
- Input of opening balances / the help when entering opening balances
- Data transfer from the previous automation systems
- Individual training at office of the customer