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Баннер в шапке 2

Peter Service Ukraine


Ukrainian child organization of the Russian supplier of OSS/BSS of solutions of PETTER SERVICE company.

Nexign (Peter Service)


+ Nexign (Peter Service)

2019: Poroshenko weakened sanctions against "Petter Service"

The president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko changed in March, 2019 the sanctions against the St. Petersburg IT company "Petter service" which are earlier imposed by it (the present name - Nexign). The decree of the president was adopted on the basis of the decision of Council for national security and defense (NSDC) [1].

Sanctions against "Petter Service" and its Ukrainian "subsidiary" Peter-Service-Ukraine - were entered in 2018. They included blocking of assets, restriction of trade operations, prevention of withdrawal of capital out of borders of Ukraine, suspension of execution of economic and financial liabilities, restriction or the termination of providing telecommunication services, will lock transfer and technologies, etc.

Also in the solution it was separately told about prohibition to conclude and satisfy conditions of agreements on integration and service of software products of production "Petter Service" and "Peter-Service-Ukraine". The present decree supplements this point with an exception: agreements with "Petter Service" after all can be executed for elimination of the emergency situations making impossible accomplishment of the duties by the telecommunication operator.
