Customers: VL Lodzhistik Moscow; Logistics and distribution Contractors: ConsID ConsID Product: Accellos WMS (Radio Beacon WMS)Project date: 2010/05 - 2013/05
During 2010 - 2013 starts of warehouses of Lodzhistik VL company under control of WMS Accellos One Warehouse in the cities of Moscow, Irkutsk, Yakutsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk are performed, the ConsID Technologies company - the consultant in the project reported on May 27, 2013.
Forces and terms
System implementation of management of warehouses passed in a short time - 1 month on an object and forces of specialists of VLAZER company. The ConsID Technologies company provided information support of the project and the qualified consultations on installation and setup of a configuration of the solution. As the basic WMS configuration the settings working at the central warehouse in Ussuriysk are taken and changed under requirements of regional warehouses.
Within the project integration with WMS - SAP/R3 which allows to exchange between systems in real time is executed. The interface of exchange of electronic documents in all warehouses of the company is the universal remedy providing reliable service of data between systems.