Customers: To financial paints Pavlovsky Posad; Chemical industry Contractors: ConsID ConsID Product: ConsID WMS (before Open Source HH.WMS OHE.WMS)На базе: ConsID Platform (ранее Open HandHeld Engine OHE) Project date: 2012/08
Number of licenses: 10
About Finkraska-M companies, Pavlovsky Posad The Finkraska-M company - specializes in supply of paints and varnishes (LKM) of all-construction and industrial function. The Finkraska-M company takes strong positions in wholesale and retail trade by paints and varnishes. Almost unlimited range of LKM allows to execute quickly and quickly customer orders. This range of paint and varnish products, is sufficient for providing consumers in Moscow and regions of the Russian Federation.
Within the project of automation of Finkraskam company by Konsid Resheniya company the software of Open HandHeld.Engine a packet of licenses 10 of the shipping documentation, plus the designer of architecture is delivered.
Within the project of deployment wireless WI-FI of network in a warehouse of Finkraska-M company, radio-inspection of an object on the basis of which it was defined how many access points are necessary for an effective covering of a warehouse and where they need to be placed was carried out.
For implementation of WI-FI of network the decision to use the reliable equipment of MOTOROLA company which proved on numerous projects was made:
- The wireless MOTOROLA RFC switch - 6010-10010-WR;
- Wireless ports of access MOTOROLA AP 0650;
- Wireless data collection terminals of MOTOROLA MC 9190, MC 3190.
After carrying out radio-inspection were the switch and ports of access is installed, the equipment is set up and carried out testings of WiFi of network.