Customers: Mordovenergoprom Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2011/12
Number of licenses: 55
Automation of accounting in Mordovenergoprom LLC based on software "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" is complete
Mordovenergoprom LLC delivers motor fuel and also integration of information and software solutions for legal entities in a segment of transport service. The main activity – transport processing – service of vehicle fleets by means of fuel cards (smart cards on gasoline and diesel fuel).
Earlier account in the company was kept using spreadsheets, paper carriers and databases which formed manually. Accounting functions were often duplicated, information zadvaivatsya, there were errors in accounting. The management did not obtain operational information about activity of divisions.
The information system which would allow to automate all types of accounting, including production, operational, accounting, tax, personnel records and payroll in one program was required for the company. The choice was stopped on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 software product which standard functionality as much as possible corresponded to requirements of the enterprise. As the partner in implementation the 1C: Accounting and Trade company (BIT) as it has staff of qualified specialists was selected, is Competence Center on production and has successful experience of automation of manufacturing enterprises.
During the project training of employees was provided, setup of a system is made, detailed user instructions are developed. Implementation was made at the same time in all services of the enterprise.
In total 55 jobs were automated and the following subsystems are brought into operation:
- Accounting and tax accounting
- Personnel (personnel), salary, including: payroll calculation, settlings with advance holders, personnel recruitment and questioning;
- Purchases (supply) including: order placement by suppliers, purchase planning, vendor relationship management, formation of the payment schedule to suppliers;
- Management of warehouse stocks;
- Production, services, including data management about structure and structure of a product, a compounding, fixed asset accounting, services of production character, production orders and production costs, calculation of actual cost, depreciation calculation, management of fixed asset maintenances, production volume scheduling;
- Sales it (is sold), including: order placement of buyers, calculation of normative cost value of orders, pricing, price lists, accounting, analysis and sales planning, management of the relations with buyers (CRM), settlement and formation of the diagram of receipt of payments, wholesale, commission and retail, leasing.
Creation of an information system which completely automated all main business processes of the enterprise became a result of the project. The staff of the company got rid of need of accomplishment of many transactions manually. High-quality inventory accounting is organized (in the central warehouses), accounting of movements between workshops thanks to what the warehouse zatovarivayemost is reduced, shortages and regrading are excluded. Profitability of sales increased by 5%, thanks to automation of the relations with buyers, the number of clients increased by 10%, the number of errors in accounting was reduced by 35%.
Further it is planned:
- Automate accounting of cash flow;
- The reconciliation (creation) of the normative reference information including development of reference books of the nomenclature, production specification (including repair) and end-to-end route technology (including repair);
- Separation of accounting and operational accounting.
The Following Tasks Were Performed:
- Consultations on the choice of the software and options of its maintenance
- Sale of the selected software products
- Delivery of software products in office of the customer
- Software installation on the customer's computers
- Collecting and requirement analysis of the customer to an automated system
- Planning of stages of works, drawing up job schedule
- Technical implementation of specific features of accounting and management in the automation system (adaptation)
- Initial settings of standard/industry solution (program) to start accounting
- Individual training at office of the customer