Customers: Ivagio (Credo) Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2008/11
Number of licenses: 75
Zavreshena setting of budget management and implementation of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 in Shopping Mall RESURS LLC
The IVAGIO group is engaged in retail sale of products from fur and leather. At the moment the network includes 18 salons in the different districts of Moscow and Moscow area and also regional salon Syktyvkar. Prior to the beginning of 2008 for accounting the self-written program in which it was considered, generally the movement of goods was used and retail prices, discounts, actions were fixed. The group steadily develops, and effective work required the automated system solving in a complex of a problem of accounting and enterprise management. A system had to integrate all circuits - from the operational movement of goods before budgeting process. After agreement signature about intentions express inspection of activity of the companies of the Customer was carried out. Before drawing up technical specifications by agreement with the Customer it was decided to carry out consulting works in the field of business process optimization, conducting management accounting and budgeting.
Our company carried out works on purchase process optimization (key and most difficult processes to the companies of the Customer), to their regulation and the approval of the scheme of document flow. The system of conducting managerial accounting and formation of financial statements was processed and also changes about a budgeting system are made (the structure of budget items is processed, the system of approval and the statement of expense budgets is developed, the algorithm of formation of the planned income on the basis of data analysis of previous periods is developed). Based on inspection and upgrade of business processes of group the Technical specifications and the System concept were made. For automation it was decided to use the software product "1C: Management of production enterprise 8" (the central base) and also 1C: Retail 8 in remote shops. At the same time between remote shops and the central base there has to be an operational bilateral data exchange.
A system covers work of the following divisions of the company of the Customer:
- Retail stores
- Sales office
- Department of assortment management
- Client department
- Department of development
- Purchasing department
- Warehouse
- Financial service
The following blocks were automated:
- Purchase management (purchase planning, accounting of supplier orders, accounting of stages of execution of orders, accounting of goods receipt and additional expenses on transportation and an insurance, conducting settlement with suppliers)
- Management of warehouse stocks (receipt and sales of goods, internal transfer of goods, reservation of goods, separate accounting on quality)
- Sales management (sales planning, pricing, reflection of retail sales)
- CRM (maintaining the customer base, accounting of personal discounts and discount cards, charge of bonuses according to the program)
- Finance (management of cash flows, accounting of income and expenses, uncommercial assets and liabilities)
- Budgeting (preparation and consolidation of expense budgets, planning of income and expenses, preparation and analysis of execution of master budgets)
Data exchange with retail stores is implemented using plans of exchange and web services that allowed to execute bilateral exchange almost online. Also in a system processings of unloading of data were developed:
- in the system (sales according to bonus cards)
- on the corporate website (the nomenclature, the prices, a remaining balance of goods)
Data transfer from the used system was made: the normative reference information (the nomenclature, suppliers, clients, discount and bonus cards), a remaining balance of goods, settlement, the saved-up amounts on discount cards. Before start of a system training of end users was made and the ekzamenation of users on work with a system is carried out. A system was brought into operation without suspension of activity of the enterprises of the Customer. The specialized equipment was connected to a system: data collection terminals, printers of labels, scanners of barcodes (all goods, held for sale shtrikhkodirovana).
As a result of project implementation document flow was arranged and the transparency of accounting increased. Also as a result of start of a system one of divisions of the company of the Customer which was engaged in receiving and processing of primary information on sales was defunct.
At the moment works within the agreement are performed on maintenance of a system. In further plans of the Customer development of a system in interconnection area with clients (CRM), transport logistics and also data analysis and forecasting of results of activity.