Customers: Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health) Moscow; Pharmaceuticals, Medicine, Healthcare Contractors: Forecast Product: Prognoz PlatformProject date: 2012/01 - 2012/12
Project's budget: Less than 100 million руб.
Number of licenses: 30000
Development of an information and analytical system of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Corus Consulting appeals against court's decision, the open competition which refused allowance of the application of the company about recognition invalid on execution of works on development of a hardware and software system of monitoring of the priority national Health project in 2012 and the government contract of the prisoner based on tender between the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and Prognoz company.
According to representatives of Corus Consulting, when carrying out tender by the Ministry of Health regulations about tender bid evaluation of participants were broken. These violations were expressed in unreasonable understating of points of the bid of Corus Consulting company therefore the second number was assigned to the request, and the Prognoz company became the winner of competition.
Judicial proceedings are appointed to July 9, 2013.