The name of the base system (platform): | OpenStack |
Developers: | Red Hat |
Last Release Date: | 2014/01/22 |
Technology: | Cloud Computing, IaaS - Infrastructure as service, Virtualization |
Content |
Cloud solutions of Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure and Red Hat CloudForms allow the companies to perform transition from traditional DPCs to the cloud OpenStack systems and to manage hybrid cloud services, providing control over the existing diverse virtual infrastructures, and Red Hat Satellite allows to control lifecycles of applications.
The release of a new product - Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure implementing ideology of an open hybrid cloud was announced by Red Hat company on June 13, 2013.
Reference points
Appointment of Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure - to help with implementation of transition from virtual DPC to a cloud computing architecture, to plan movement of computing powers from one architecture to another, saving complete controllability of each certain platform and observing existing regulations of the enterprise.
Through Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure of the organization can continue to manage corporate cloud structures on model IaaS on the basis of traditional technologies virtual DPC, smoothly passing to scalable public "clouds" on the platform Red Hat OpenStack.
Structure and acquisition
Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure is purchased on model of a subscription and in its structure:
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization. An end-to-end system for virtual DPCs under Linux and Windows. Gives the chance to construct the flexible, protected base for virtualization of traditional corporate applications;
- Red Hat CloudForms. Open solution for management of a hybrid cloud. Provides transparency and control over diverse virtual infrastructures and allows to unroll the cloud services constructed on the basis of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, VMware vSphere or other solutions, hypervisors and platforms;
- Red Hat OpenStack. Well scalable solution on the IaaS model. Open and flexible basis for creation of corporate clouds; is based on the OpenStack project plus optimization and integration with Red Hat Enterprise Linux;
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server. Scalable and high-performance implementation of the Linux operating system, most popular in the corporate world, for the guest virtual machines started on the computing OpenStack nodes.
Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure can be purchased since July, 2013.
2014: Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure 4.0
On January 22, 2014 Red Hat announced release of version 4.0 of the IaaS-solution on architecture of OpenStack - Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure.
The structure of the updated solution looks as:
also consists of components:
- Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform
- Red Hat CloudForms (management and tools)
In the new version of the solution Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure, according to the statement of developers, integration between platform components - virtualizations, cloud and platform is more closely implemented that provides decrease in discrepancies for users and duplication between virtual images, at the same time their uniform set is created.