The Moscow Directorate of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations transfers to the third-party contractor system maintenance of informing and the notification of the population in the capital
Customers: Moscow Directorate of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Situations
Contractors: Maykor (Meykor) Product: Projects of IT outsourcingProject date: 2013/06 - 2014/05
MAYKOR company having won an open electronic auction, signed the public contract with General Directorate of Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the city of Moscow implementation of maintenance of the software and support of operability of the equipment which is a part of objects of the All-Russian end-to-end system of informing and the notification of the population in places of mass stay of people (OKSION) in the city of Moscow was announced by the press service of the company on June 19, 2013.
OKSION - a component of the state alerting system and emergency response of natural, technogenic and other character. A system provides information support at identification of emergency and management of crisis situations. In Moscow it consists of the points of the street notification of the population (PSNP) and points located in premises (PEONY): in stations, buildings of the universities, shopping centers, etc.
The technical support service of the contractor provides steady functioning of all objects of OKSION located in the city of Moscow. Special attention is paid to operational elimination of any faults and also their prevention due to routine regular technical maintenance. The service support organized thus allows to minimize failures in operation of the equipment, to timely establish origins of incidents and to eliminate faults and also to prolong service life of the OKSION elements.