Oryol regional scientific universal public library of Bunin (Bunink)
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
302000, M. Gorkogo St., 43
Top managers:
Bubnov Valery Vasilyevich
The Oryol regional scientific universal public library of I.A. Bunin – the oldest library of the region.
Conducts the history from the provincial public library founded 18 on July (30), 1833 according to the government circular of June 5, 1830 and open for public 6 on December (18), 1838.
Today Buninka - the largest scientific, information. Educational and the cultural and educational institution of the region performing functions:
- the main state book-depository of area with the right of obtaining the obligatory paid federal and complimentary obligatory copy of local editions;
- the main public center of information resources concerning activity of public authorities and local government;
- territorial research, scientific and methodical, information center on problems of library science in the Oryol region;
- coordinator of library study of local lore;
- methodical center for automation of library processes;
- the center for development of standards, documents regulating activity of libraries of the Oryol region according to state standards and regulations;
- the leading base of publishing concerning the theory and practice of library science;
- bases of practice of students of library and information faculty of the Oryol state institute of arts and culture.
The library locates the richest universal fund numbering about 600 thousand printing, audiovisual and electronic documents, writes out about 500 names of magazines and newspapers. Annually about 12 thousand new documents come to funds.
In structure of library 17 departments with the state 123 persons function. In day the library services up to 1 thousand users, her regular readers are more than 35 thousand people. In a year about 1 million copies of documents are issued. Along with traditional methods in service of readers modern technologies are actively used.