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Баннер в шапке 2
2013/07/05 10:10:36

Southern IT district

In June, 2012 the Cisco company announced start[1]of the Southern IT District project. This initiative is implemented within the three-year Cisco program for support of IT education in Russia and is directed to promoting and development of IT education in the Southern (Southern Federal District) and the North Caucasian (North Caucasus federal district) the federal districts of the Russian Federation. The international agency INLEA acts as the technology partner of the project. Not only constantly renewed educational content from a portfolio of Cisco academies, but also the expensive equipment is provided to participants of "the Southern IT district".

By the end of 2012 11 higher educational institutions of the Southern Federal District and North Caucasus federal district joined the project. Cisco academies already work at their base. In 2013 22 average professional and higher educational institutions of the Southern Federal District and North Caucasus federal district were added to them:

  • Adygei state university,
  • Vladikavkaz college of electronics,
  • Volga polytechnical technical school,
  • College of St. George,
  • Dagestan state medical academy,
  • Kamensk institute,
  • Kamyshin Institute of Technology,
  • Krasnodar humanitarian and technology college,
  • Krasnodar college of electronic instrument making,
  • Kuban state medical university,
  • Maykop medical college,
  • Novocherkassk machine-building college,
  • Novocherkassk industrial and humanitarian college,
  • Rostov state economic universitet1,
  • Rostov - on - Don the state college of radio electronics, information and industrial technologies,
  • Rostov - on - Don college of communication and information science,
  • North Caucasian institute of business, engineering and information technologies,
  • Stavropol college of communication of a name of the Hero of the Soviet Union V.A. Petrov,
  • branch of the Kuban State University to Armavir,
  • branch of the Kuban State University to Novorossiysk,
  • Chechen state teacher training college,
  • Southern Federal University.

Training in new academies will begin in 2013/14 academic year and will be carried out at rates "Fundamentals of IT: hardware and software of the PC" (IT Essentials) and CCNA2.