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2013/07/04 15:54:05

We reduce the cost of ownership of IT of infrastructure of large online store.

Against the background of quickly growing e-commerce market, more and more companies think of decrease in operating costs due to formation of infrastructure by qualitatively new IT. The problem of creation of the base for serious business becomes very relevant.

One of the most important problems of IT of infrastructure of online store is the duality of the database. Very few people think that creating the website based on CMS and keeping at the same time account in [1] at the company there are 2 separate databases, and later, each of them has the logical interrelations of internal elements.

Let's consider the main problems in IT - infrastructure of the company, the ownerships influencing its cost and complexity of upgrade. It is unlikely it will be possible to describe all problems connected with this approach, we will list the main, other problems of similar architecture everyone will finish thinking moderately experience and capabilities.

1. Creation of the nomenclature in two places.

  • Hundreds of goods tens of times should be uploaded to 2 places to the site and in 1C.
  • Mozhnomnogoye at the same time to automate whether but it is crutches?

2. Accounting of orders.

  • Many keep account of orders on the website, then transfer to 1C.
  • Sorry, but it's totally ludicrous.

3. CRM functions.

  • To their thicket try to implement on the party of the website that results in total absence of a possibility of collecting of normal analytics. Really powerful analytics it is possible for cheap (relatively of course) to receive only in CRM or ERP.
  • For example, at the level 1C it is impossible to finish CRM under own needs often, because of absence in 1C of a huge number of data on the client which are in a website DB. And if all data were at the level of 1C, then and with statistics it would be much simpler.

4. Analytics for adoption of important solutions.

We consider important solutions the following:

  • Turnover of a warehouse
  • Funnel of sales
  • Report on costs
  • Cash flow
  • Balance
  • Sales report

Is not present on the website of sufficient number of necessary tools for analytics and should not be. And because of 2 databases, in 1C there is no enough information for receiving analytics.

5. Change of business processes.

With business growth trade processes constantly change, they should be finished constantly and at the level of IT of infrastructure. Having 2 databases, the logic should be changed both at the level of the website, and at the level 1C. For example, during creation of a new field in 1C, it is necessary to add it and on on the website. Or during creation on the website of accumulative discounts, it is necessary and to implement in 1C the same, by analogy.

6. Base of commodity content.

When in the trading company there is a lot of commodity content, often various files of Excel act as storage. Some companies store content in the separate database from which unload it on the website and in 1C. At such approach the 3rd database appears already. Upgrade of a format of content leads to changes already in 3 bases. Just 'perfectly'.

The offered method saves the company from the listed above problems. It consists in the main thing: creation of the single database with all logical interrelations at the level 1C and full, double-sided synchronization of this base with a website DB which has no management and is created only for work of the website with it.

Main advantages of a similar system consist, first of all, in lack of the listed above minuses of the previous approach. Certainly, there are also minuses which we will describe in more detail:

Approach minuses

1. Need to configure some logical relationships between data at the level of the Web database.

In spite of the fact that we consider the central DB 1C, some logic all the same should be created also on the website in that case when the client needs to show some information at once.


It is necessary to implement on the website calculation of delivery cost to the client. Data on volume and weight of goods are stored in 1C, means we can implement using api of the logistic company and calculation. We do not do this logic in 1C, and we do on the website, but at the same time complete synchronization at the level of Databases as after calculation on the website, the order with the delivery field and with the price created at the level of the website comes to 1C remains. Also information on date and a delivery address comes to 1C.

2. Code 1C cost and quality.

The market of 1C is overheated terribly, it is not simple to find 1C of the specialist rather. In our case the main settings and the main objectives on programming lie at the level 1C.

3. Thoroughness of approach.

It can be also plus, however, most often, entrepreneurs do not want to spend time and money for the base, and try to construct pre-fabricated, cheap and let less reliable construction. For the beginning businessmen and it is necessary to do, however this article is more addressed to those at whom pre-fabricated construction tilted already enough or few times already built up again.

4. One-time cost.

Is able to afford enclose in it - infrastructure of online store 140 - 300 thousand rubles initially not each company. In our case it will hardly turn out to manage smaller investments.

After all we will describe advantages of approach from one main DB in 1C and a replitsirovaniye of this base at the level of WEB in more detail:

1. Low cost of ownership of IT infrastructure.

To program at the level of the website it seems to the beginning entrepreneurs cheaper, but it so strongly eventually influences the cost of ownership of business IT infrastructure that in one-two years maintenance of the website in working order can costs 70-150 thousand rubles (it is the cost of one-two programmers).

Plus, all the same it is necessary to work and finish 1C.

Thus, the companies with the website constantly spend money for works for CMS-to a system having and the accounting system of 1C both on the website, and in 1C, having the constants solved by "crutches" problems on their synchronization.

Having created the base at the level of a DB of 1C, 5-10 thousand a month will be spent for the website.

2. Ordering of business processes of the company.

Many companies are neglected in vain standard logic of the business processes which are available in 1C. They certainly are not universal, but often business has no such cardinal features which do not give the chance to apply functionality of 1C with the minimum quantity of completions.

Creating the main DB for online store in 1C many business processes initially will be correctly based.

3. Considerable reduction in cost of creation of the website if in 1C activity is already conducted, content with characteristics is got and there are constructed business processes.

In this case creation of online store will come down to creation of the copy of a DB for the website (at the ready instrument of exchange it becomes in 3-5 hours.

Unfortunately, the Russian realities do not allow to use the most advanced tools for business automation which are used around the world. As ERP - a system at most the companies 1C is used. The task of creation of competent architecture of business very often gets up before businessmen too late when business is already developed. We hope that this article will help to make the competent decision at creation of the big, interesting project.