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Cisco CRS-X

Developers: Cisco Systems
Last Release Date: July, 2013
Branches: Telecommunication and communication
Technology: Routers (routers)

The new CRS-X router has the capacity 10 times higher, than the predecessor has CRS-3, provides unprecedented scalability and long-term protection of investments.

Five crucial characteristics of CRS-X

  • The scalable distributed architecture will allow to increase the capacity of routers for many years. CRS devices are expected work within decades.

  • Continuity of work. CRS-X "is backward-compatible" with traditional Cisco technologies up to technologies of 2004. It means that big customers of Cisco should not be exposed to frequent painful procedures of replacement of the technology systems. Such replacement is almost impossible in the environment which is continuously servicing millions of subscribers. Remember, than any updating of your home computer turns, and increase this headache by one billion. Customers of Cisco do not throw out the old systems, and only add to them new components.

  • Cloud intellectuality. Types of Internet traffic become more various. It already not only traditional data, voice and video. Today to them traffic of distributed systems of storage and services and also cloud traffic increases. A set of cloud intellectual functions of the CRS-X router does it by peculiar "navigator" in the world saturated with new types of traffic.

  • Network of "an operator class" – reliability at the level of "five nine", i.e. working capacity during 99.999 percent of time.

  • Integration of IP and optics. Convergence of IP networks and fiber-optical network segments allows to create extremely dynamic and flexible network environment differing in simplicity of operation. Besides, such integration helps customers to develop the new services which are sharply raising profit.

  • Total cost of ownership the CRS-X router is nearly 50% lower, than at the closest competitor.

CRS-X router: power plus intelligence

Time to save

The single system developed 10 years ago which capacity for this period increased by 10 times gave the chance to customers of Cisco to reduce total cost of ownership almost by 50% in comparison with the most powerful solution of competitors. For the 10-year period energy consumption at operation of the CRS systems decreased by 80%, and transportation costs – for 76%. System architecture of CRS-X is developed so that to provide upgrade more than 10 thousand existing CRS-1 and CRS-3 systems without shutdown, i.e. directly in the course of work.

"Other suppliers of technological solutions force operators to upgrade and replace the hardware products periodically, – the senior vice president of Cisco company, the general manager of department of technologies for telecom operators Surya Panditi noted. – Flagman network platforms of Cisco are developed for protection of investments of the customer for many decades. Today telecom operators, large educational and research networks and public institutions around the world are going to meet requirements of the Internet of new generation and the growing demand for video, joint work and distributed computing. CRS-X demonstrates that Cisco strongly intends to hold leadership in the field of trunk IP technologies and to protect investments of the customers who installed the Cisco CRS systems in the networks".