Ai Ganges
Public and non-profit structures
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
197374, Primorsky Ave. 91.
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
197374, Primorsky Ave. 91.
Society of the Buryat culture 'Ai - Ganges' is founded on June 21, 2000.
Main objective of creation of Society - preserving, promoting and development of national culture, traditions and customs drill, social support to veterans, needy, to disabled people and students. Creation of conditions for studying and development of the Buryat national culture. Cultural, scientific and economic relations between St. Petersburg and Buryatia developed long ago, and the Fund would like that they became stronger and extended.
The Fund as the only public organization representing the Buryat culture on coast of Neva can and has to play a significant role in strengthening and expansion of these communications.