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The TTK rendered communication services to Office of Rosselkhoznadzor of the Voronezh region

Customers: Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Voronezh region

Voronezh; Government and social institutions

Product: Services of telephony and communication

Project date: 2013/08  - 2015/01

January 16, 2015. Kompaniyattk announced prolongation of the contract for provision of services of communication with division to Office of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Voronezh region.

Project Progress

According to the contract, TransTeleCom Southeast (TransTeleCom-YuV) is the regional enterprise of TransTeleCom company, provides to Office of Rosselkhoznadzor service of broadband access in the Internet (ShPD).

"Most the state organizations of the Central Chernozem region are connected to services of a TTK. Only in the current year we provided communication services based on our fiber-optical network to 11 state structures, – Evgeny Shevchenko, the CEO of TransTeleCom Southeast noted. – It is sure, our telecommunication services will appreciate also in Office of Rosselkhoznadzor".
"Our company has the developed broadband access infrastructure in small localities therefore we are often selected from quality of the supplier of telecommunication services by the major state bodies having representations across all Russia, – the associate director of macroregional branch "Yugo-Vostok" – the head of the Trunk block Alexander Belov noted. – Last year we for the first time won the tender for providing the Internet to Rosselkhoznadzor. I hope that the geography of our cooperation will extend".

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.