Customers: Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for St. Petersburg (UFSSP SPb) St. Petersburg; Government and social institutions Contractors: Soft-Market Product: 1C: Payroll and budget institution staff 8На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2013/06 - 2013/07
Number of licenses: 10
The Soft-Market company completed the project of automation of payroll calculation in Offices of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) with the help 1C: Payroll and a budget institution staff 8, the press service of integrator reported on August 26, 2013.
Project Background
Earlier court ushers calculated salary in the program developed still in the nineties running the DOS operating system. Its service cost much enough, and mismatch to modern requirements created a set of problems in work of staff of rated departments. All this caused for acceptance by the management of managements of FSSP across SPb and FSSP across the Leningrad Region the solution to pass to the modern rated 1C: Payroll program and the personnel of budgetary institutions 8.
Project Progress
As the contractor for project implementation selected Soft-Market company, having long-term experience of automation on the 1C Platform. Specialists successfully coped with assigned tasks on data transfer in two years from the old program in 1C: Payroll and the personnel of budgetary institutions 8 and setup.
Project Results
Are automated:
- payroll calculation with support of a new wage system of staff of federal budgetary institutions;
- analysis of personnel structure, accounting and workforce recruiting;
- calculation of the taxes and contributions on wage fund regulated by the legislation;
- conducting personnel office-work and many other things.
As a result of project implementation 10 jobs are automated, and the staff of settlement departments, after trained, successfully works in the 1C: Payroll program and the personnel of budgetary institutions 8.