Customers: Dvintsev Business-center Contractors: DeLight 2000 (DeLight) Product: Crestron DigitalMediaProject date: 2010/03 - 2010/10
The multifunction premises with a universal AV complex for holding actions of a different format.
The DELIGHT 2000 company for BC Dvintsev in 2010 custom-made the project of Sawatzky Property Management management company.
Sawatzky Property Management has long-term experience in management of the first-class real estate. The portfolio of the company locates objects of a commercial real estate of different function among which: office buildings, business centers, trade and shopping and entertainment centers, business parks, multifunction complexes; and also residential complex.
The management company locates the premises in which is going to organize business actions: seminars, trainings, negotiations, meetings, presentations, video conferencing sessions. Owners consider the main user the internal tenant. Often the companies, moving to new office, have no either technical capabilities, or the area sufficient for holding actions.
Comfortable holding different actions provides a specialized set of furniture. With its help the audience for a training or a seminar can be turned into the premises with a round table for negotiations and meetings or into the hall for a video conferencing session.
Such multifunctionality required a certain approach to hardware. The audiovisual complex should be stationary, covering requirements of any of possible scenarios of work and, irrespective of the nature of an event and arrangement of furniture, did not require movement of technical elements and reswitching. Thus, the problem, new to this market, was solved: all preparation for an action comes down only to arrangement of furniture under a specific format of an action, all the rest is already ready to work.
DELIGHT 2000 company, considering all customer requirements and making use of the experience of professional examination, implemented the audiovisual complex consisting of the following components:
- information display system based on a powerful projector and the motorized screen;
- the sound system including the speaker system and radiomicrophones;
- system of a video conferencing;
- the system of remote control of all complex, based on Crestron with the touchpad.
The uniqueness of this complex consists in universality of its use. The functionality of the premises is optimized in such a way that the client of business center can come and at once begin to work, without expecting adaptation and setup of the AV environment under the tasks.
The universal hall with unique functionality
Important feature of the premises is the set of universal furniture from which it is possible to collect different configurations. Depending on character and a form of an action furniture allows to make of the room negotiation, audience, or the premises for video conference. On average, the hall is expected actions to 70 people.
All management of an audiovisual complex happens from the touchpad Crestron located on a tribune. With its help it is directed not only all functionality of an AV complex, but also the system of shading of the premises for more comfortable and effective viewing information from a projector and a LCD panel.
At any option of functional change of the room, whether it be the audience for holding seminars or trainings, a round table for negotiations and meetings, the hall for the presentations or a video conferencing, an audiovisual complex remains invariable. Proceeding from what AV opportunities are required for the client, he selects and activates them on the management system touchpad.
For a rekovy cabinet and the furniture which is not used at present the small utility room is selected. It is made, on the one hand, for preserving of unity of interior design, with another - for reduction of noise level and vibration. Are placed in a cabinet: The PC, the cross-point switch, a sound hardware, a management system of Crestron, the VIDEOCONFERENCING, DVD - a HDD recorder.
Essential advantage of the equipped premises over the analogs is not only its universality and multifunctionality, but also a possibility of audiovisual recording of all events on HDD, DVDs carriers and providing record to the client on the end of an action at once.
Features of project implementation
In design process, installation and adjustment there were difficulties which solution demanded not only wide experience and high qualification, thorough knowledge of the equipment and technologies, but also uncommon approach.
So, the audiovisual complex was established indoors with the finished finishing, and all works should be carried out, without having broken design and integrity of an interior. Thanks to considerable experience of installations in similar conditions the project was successfully implemented without the need for the subsequent repair of the premises.
Ceiling on an object non-demountable, difficult construction. With respect thereto, it was necessary to use the non-standard solution of installation of a projector – it was placed in the special shelf on a wall. But an opportunity to set and fix the motorized screen in subceiling space was found. All switching went only in zastenny space.
The glass wall behind the screen promoted a resonance and resound reflection that complicated installation and debugging of audio equipment. Biamp Systems technologies were applied to the solution of this problem.
Need to enter already available customer's equipment in the installed complex was feature of the project also. So, the LCD panel became also the second monitor for an output of presentation information, and help during a video conferencing. On it it is possible to show, accompanying discussion, the text and graphic information.
Project Results
As a result of formation of audiovisual indoor environment on the first floor of BC Dvintsev the Sawatzky Property Management management company received a modern universal, multifunction complex for holding business actions of a different format.
The objectives of creation of a functional unit which from the moment of input continuously makes profit are achieved. An object is always ready to commercial operation. There is no need every time before a new action to look for lacking or to switch and perekommutirovat the installed equipment. The client comes, connects the notebook, inserts a disk or the USB stick – and everything is ready to work.
An opportunity to receive external orders on lease of the hall especially as the premises are very profitable located is not less relevant for BC Dvintsev, has the optimal sizes and is integrated to all necessary infrastructure. By calculations of owners additional service, in the form of the ready hall for any business actions, should increase attractiveness of business center and increase number of new tenants.
Now the companies tenants show interest and are going to use actively this Wednesday for implementation of the business challenges. The convenience of such solution for them is obvious – the modern, transformed, technological complex meeting all quality requirements and prestige of world brands allows at the high level and with economy of costs to hold events of different orientation and ultimate goals.