Customers: Megalayer Contractors: Inpro Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.0Project date: 2007/06
Number of licenses: 10
The Orenburg company "Inpro", together with the Moscow firm "Institute of Model Solutions", completed implementation of the standard configuration "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8" in Megaplast company, producer of plastic panels. Increase in production of finished goods and increase in number of outlets pushed to automation system implementation the company.
After comprehensive examination of the enterprise adaptation of the standard solution to specifics of business processes of the customer was executed. Are automated accounting of inventory items and fixed assets; purchase management and sales; production management; accounting, formation of regulated reports; tax accounting; payroll calculation; financial analysis of money, profits and costs; managerial analysis.
Automation of the enterprise increased availability and efficiency of information connected with a status of settlement, cash flow, production and its implementation.
The possibility of forecasting of purchasing amounts of raw materials for production and also the analysis of the nomenclature and clients on profitability, allowed to reveal unprofitable positions and to differentiate pricing policy for different customer groups. A system helped to see real materials consumption of products, to find out what share of cost value is the share of each of cost items. For example, having found out that the share of compensation of employees in cost value of finished goods is small, the management of the enterprise changed schemes of motivation of personnel, having put accounting of results of work in a payroll calculation algorithm. Based on the data obtained from a new system in the company could prepare a document package for investors and founders of the enterprise, having convinced them of need of receiving the credit, purchase the equipment, start new the line.
In a project deliverable 10 jobs in financial and economic service, marketing department, production department, sales office are automated. The possibility of remote access to a system for founders of firm from Moscow, Krasnodar and the Orenburg region is provided.
Following block automation of production planning and budgeting.