Developers: | Seagate Technology |
Date of the premiere of the system: | October, 2013 |
Last Release Date: | May, 2014 |
Technology: | DWH |
The Seagate Technology company announced cloud DWH infrastructure of Seagate Kinetic Open Storage in October, 2013. The Seagate Kinetic Open Storage platform is a step towards horizontally scalable DWH architecture as it simplifies data management, improves performance and scalability, at the same time reduces the total ownership cost (TCO) of average cloud infrastructures by 50 percent.
"With the Seagate Kinetic Open Storage platform our internal R&D commands were developed unique, the DWH architecture first in own way allowing to create cheaper and flexible object-oriented solution DWH which exempts IT professional from need to invest in the equipment unnecessary them and software at the same time giving them an opportunity to work with the innovative technology of storage available today, – the executive vice president and the head of sales and marketing of Seagate tells Rocky Pimentel. – This technology optimizes solution DWH for a new era of cloud storage systems and considerably cuts down current expenses".
The Seagate Kinetic Open Storage platform allows to exclude tiers of the server of storage of traditional architecture of DPC, thus, applications can "talk" directly to the storage device that cuts down the expenses connected with acquisition, implementation and support of hyper scalable DWH infrastructures. The companies can save additional resources by simultaneous optimization of density of DWH, at the same time reducing electricity consumption and expenses on cooling and receiving as a result significant savings in expansion of cloud DPC.
"In Yahoo we always look for new ways of increase in efficiency and simplicity of our infrastructure therefore we are glad to emergence of the Seagate Kinetic Open Storage platform. The industry proved more than once that Ethernet always wins, its application at the level of the hard drive is improbable optimization, – Kevin Graham, the architect of DWH in Yahoo Infrastructure Group says. – For this reason we worked with Seagate within the last several months to make break in the architectural plan for the purpose of providing our users of the most effective and reliable DWH".
"The ambitions of Seagate connected with platforms of DWH are natural continuation of their core business and their new Kinetic Open Storage platform which redefines future development of architecture of DPCs, – Laura DuBois, the vice president for programs in IDC Storage Systems, Software and Solutions says. – Implementation of this technology will allow DPCs to create more flexible solutions with low industry expenses on ownership, introducing changes in world storage systems".
The platform is built taking into account extensive experience of Seagate in the field of hardware and the software of storage systems for integration of the new API key / value which will be in open access, and the hard drives of Seagate connected on Ethernet. This technology intended for rapid implementation and deployment in any stack of software cloud to DWH can be unrolled on all portfolio of storage devices, allowing system builders and software developers to create the new solutions suitable in any cases of use of cloud DPCs.
Redefining possibilities of the equipment and software, the platform allows suppliers of cloud services and independent application developers to optimize horizontally scalable file and object-oriented DWH is simple and effective. With the Kinetic Open Storage platform of the application will be able to manage certain functions and opportunities now and to be implemented and unrolled quickly in any stack of software of cloud DWH. The technology also increases efficiency of I/O due to elimination of "bottle necks" and optimization of management of a cluster, replication of data, migration and the active performance of archive.
2014: Seagate announced the program interface of the Kinetic Open Storage platform
The Seagate Technology company announced in May, 2014 expansion of the program of development of open source solutions in support of the Seagate Kinetic Open Storage platform which includes the application programming interface (API) and libraries now. Offering new initiatives for the platform open source, the company takes one more step forward, giving new opportunities to developers program and the hardware for the maximum use of the program interface key/value and its integration into cloud program stacks, additional devices and the new systems.
Continuing to fill up the specifications of the interface announced within the Open Compute Project project earlier this year, Seagate opens access to the application programming interface (API) of the platform, libraries and the modeling technologies, allowing participants of community OpenStack to project, test, create applications and to develop solutions on the basis of Seagate Kinetic technology. The easy and profitable way of development of object-oriented solutions with a fast output to the market will become result.
"With strong support of community OpenStack allows to look in a new way at cloud computing, and an open source code — to rethink a software-defined storage system — Ben Cherian, the vice president for strategic development of Inktank company, Red Hat acquired company in April, 2014 noted. — Inktank very much is proud of a possibility of cooperation with Seagate within development of our ecosystem of a software-defined storage open source, and we are glad that the Seagate company separates our confidence that "openness' is a key factor for continuation of development of technologies".
"SwiftStack proposes the software solution Object Storage which simplifies start, integration and management of the project on object storage of OpenStack. We observe rapid and obvious development of technologies open source and increase in their use by the enterprises — Joe Arnold, the CEO of SwiftStack company said. — The Seagate Kinetic Open Storage platform is in vanguard of innovations. In particular, building tools for this platform do possible creation of modern architecture for deployment of really software-defined object storage systems. Offering these new tools, Seagate proves again the aspiration to support open source solutions".
The release of the application programming interface (API) and the accompanying libraries will open the source code for different programming languages, allowing the software to address the disk Kinetic directly. Kinetic Open Storage API offers suppliers both program, and the hardware to integrate the Kinetic commands into the solutions. Libraries which will be published today include support of languages C ++, Java and Python. Libraries open source also inspire developers as much as possible to use the protocol directly and if desired to create own libraries.