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The management company according to the address with waste in the Leningrad Region implements EDMS

Customers: Management company according to the address with waste in the Leningrad Region (UKO)

Vyborg; Housing and public utilities, service and household services

Contractors: Ofis-Dok, LLC
Product: Case (EOS Group)

Project date: 2013/08  - 2013/10
Number of licenses: 3

On October 31, 2013 the Ofis-Dok company announced end of the first stage of implementation electronic document management systems "MATTER" in "Management Company according to the Address with Waste in the Leningrad Region" open joint stock company.

Project Tasks

The reason of system implementation of electronic document management - growth of volume of documents and, as a result, a problem with search of necessary information. The task of the organization of due control of execution of documents and instructions of them became relevant. At the same time it was required to automate process of preparation and approval of draft documents – orders, orders and agreements.

On analysis results of systems presented at the market selected EDMS "CASE". The project was executed by the company "Office Dock".

Project Progress

For October 29, 2013 in operation there are 21 workplaces (3 automated workplace "DELO" and 18 – "DELO-Web"), 3 jobs of the option "Line Scanning" are implemented. The staff of office, administrative department, legal department, accounting became users of EDMS.