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2013/11/07 17:37:34

Anton Shmatalyuk: CPM is means of establishing order

What is the cornerstone of any CPM project what maximum and minimum effect the company from implementation of CPM can gain? What difficulties customers can meet and how to overcome them? And many other on real examplesAnton Shmatalyuk, the director on managerial and to IT consulting RDTECH argues on this together with TAdviser.

The directory of CPM-solutions and projects is available on TAdviser

TAdviser: Whether tell, please, the stereotype is right that most of customers of BPM/CPM of systems in Russia - financial institutions, and "mere mortal" to manage efficiency of business processes a lack of time?

Anton Shmatalyuk: The fact that financial institutions are the main consumers of this concept – quite naturally as this sector of economy always was the most dynamic in the development and opened to new managerial and information technologies. But I would not oppose the financial industry to all other market, each field of activity and each company, has the way of development, the milestones of maturing and to these or those approaches. For example, such phenomenon as the process approach most brightly was picked up in due time by financial institutions, but leaders of other industries also developed in this direction, and today almost in all spheres of economy there will be enough examples of successful use of this approach for activity optimization.

Similarly and with business performance management. Financial institutions owing to features of the activity always had more premises for creation of the uniform data model reflecting all important aspects of effective management – from strategic and budget to operating rooms – and in financial institutions direct link of operational solutions (in the field of risks assessment, for example) with marginality of business is traced. Nevertheless, we have examples when the issue of integrated management of efficiency of activity was successfully resolved also in such directions as, for example, leisure and entertainments. Management of the company itself determines how important for the company the possibility of the comprehensive analysis of activity and integrated management of indicators is.

It is only necessary to understand that very many companies are not ready to it purely technology – separation of data, scrappy automation, etc. – and for this reason postpone the solution of the matter indefinitely. Experience of successful projects shows that approach of CPM is just means of establishing order, and methodical solutions applied here allow to design consistently optimal storage of corporate data for performance management.

TAdviser: After all business processes in the different companies are based absolutely differently, i.e. it is not possible to compare processes on discrete production and in retail network, for example. Whether it means that the consultant for BPM/CPM should have the concentrated specialization? If yes, that what specialization RDTECH in this market?

Anton Shmatalyuk: Industry specialization, certainly, matters, factors of efficiency and specific processes of activity for the different industries different. We specialize, first of all, in the organizations of banking sector, power, petrochemistry, retail.

But also I want to note that there is a number of basic methodical and technical solutions which are unified, not tied to some specific industry. Thus, it is necessary to speak about the combined experience: on the one hand – basic managerial approaches and universal technology platforms, with another – industry experience and specialized "superstructures" and narrowly targeted products for the solution of specific industry tasks.

TAdviser: The third question follows from the second - for different businesses, respectively, also different software products are necessary, it is not possible to consider nuances of all industries within one system. Whether there is RDTECH for a consulting framework on CPM whether is engaged directly in implementations and if yes - that on what platforms?

Anton Shmatalyuk: The RDTECH company implements solutions of Oracle company], being her platinum partner. In a product line of Oracle there are also industry components, and in an arsenal RDTECH – own practices, including for banks.

TAdviser: You could not cite as an example just such project where CPM implemented not shablonno, let it will be not bank. In what results did it result?

Anton Shmatalyuk: No project in this area can be considered sample at least for the reason that a basis of these projects – the uniform corporate data warehouse, and each company is unique from a position of the information structures and those analytical tasks which are available for it which at the moment have first-priority value for top managers of the organization.

One of the most interesting projects is creation of the corporate data warehouse for VTB Bank within which, in particular, such components were implemented: functional and cost analysis (FCA), collecting of market quotations, reporting of the Central Bank, portfolio analysis.

The interesting consulting project in which personally I happened to participate – creation of a single system of the business analysis for federal network of entertainment centers. Feature of the project is that shareholders and top managers of the company initially extremely seriously approached a question of performance management of the business therefore the methodology and tools which coordinate the following areas and tasks in a whole was created: development of corporate strategy in the form of strategic maps of management company and separate entertainment centers, management of their budgets, forecasting of sales and expenses and control of execution of the planned budget indicators, online monitoring of operational indicators and calculation of efficiency of entertainment centers and separate zones (the main services, bars, cafe) counting on indicators of a flow of guests, queues, etc.

TAdviser: Whether performance management by business processes always results in need to change business processes of the company? If yes, that as you overcome inertia from customers, to break settled for years very difficult?

Anton Shmatalyuk: We speak, first of all, about efficiency of all business, and separate business processes - in particular. If the decision making system on the basis of reasonable indicators is built correctly, then the companies turn on internal mechanisms of managerial influences which force to change processes, people, technologies. We never break customers. The analysis of activity and subsequent changes in business – a personal will of our clients. Resistance, certainly, is present at any project, it is the working moment for which solution there are corresponding approaches. But in global sense of any company it is impossible to impose from outside approach to performance management and optimization – the project such will be only in that company where top managers see in it need.

TAdviser: At the enterprises, as a rule, who your allies and who your opponents during the project? Whether there are some settled acceptances how to lower load of the customer's employees at reorganization of processes? How do you arrive in critical cases?

Anton Shmatalyuk: Allies – those whose motivation it is balanced considers both personal interests, and requirements of the company for effective functioning and development. Opponents – all those who hold lack of transparency and own uniqueness, without allowing to develop either itself, or the organization in which they work. Situations are different - from the hidden resistance before open sabotage. We try not to bring to extremes. The main tool – belief that any similar project has the positive sides for each employee of the company - important only correctly to see them. Existence of clear and measurable indicators of activity is, first of all, not the instrument of control of heads over contractors, but means of continual improvement of the activity, purposeful development.

TAdviser: How do you estimate the Russian market of CPM? Whether you expect it further development, increase in demand for implementations such?

Anton Shmatalyuk: The market, certainly, develops. And any company even if already implemented elements of corporate management by business performance, has a lot more areas for expansion of the created model not to mention that over time interests and priorities of the company in the market can change, and new aspects for efficiency analysis will surely appear. Besides, many on approach – there is an internal maturing of the companies, understanding and openness to new, more difficult methodical and information approaches to management appears.

TAdviser: Whether there are method of calculation of specific indicators which implementation of CPM gives the companies? What can expect at least and as at most from such implementation the average Russian customer?

Anton Shmatalyuk: During consulting practice our experts accumulated considerable experience in calculation and an agreement of specific indicators from the level of strategic planning to the operational level. We adapt these techniques for requirements of the specific company.

The minimum effect of the project is a creation of a uniform data set which different divisions of the company will use at acceptance of the management decisions, thus excepting inconsistency. The maximum result – creation of end-to-end management processes and complete synchronization of strategic, budget, motivational and operational indicators of activity. If to add instruments of forecasting to it, then the company will receive uniform command center not only the current efficiency, but also future economic and operational indicators.