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Баннер в шапке 2

The department of health care and social development of the Oryol region automates accounting of the medical personnel

Customers: Department of health care and social development of the Oryol region

Contractors: Parus
Product: Parus Personnel for medicine

Project date: 2013/09  - 2013/11
Project's budget: 10000000 руб.

On November 19, 2013 the Parus corporation announced project completion of automation of personnel records, upgrade of systems of accounting of AHD and integration of software products with federal services of the Single state information system in the field of health care (Uniform State Health Information System), in medical institutions of the Oryol region.

Project Progress

On the platform software "PARUS 8" the single system of personnel records - "The personnel for medicine", providing automation of work of HR departments of all organizations subordinated to Department of health care and social development of the Oryol region, and formation of the regional Register of health workers is created.

With creation of the uniform data warehouse about medical personnel of all region and to convenient instruments of visualization the staff of Department can carry out the complex analysis of data on different indicators, control personnel balance of a regional health care system and control the need for specialists of a different profile. Direct unloading of data from the Regional system of personnel records in "The federal register of health workers" is provided.

"Creation of a centralized system allowed to increase efficiency and quality of information, justification of the made decisions in the field of personnel management, to lower housekeeping overheads of software products, and in general to increase effective management of personnel resources of medical institutions of area", - Dmitry Karpachev, the head noted PARUS Health care.