Shahs Boris Evgenyevich
Shakhov Boris Evgenyevich is the rector of NNSMA. The chairman of scientific and advisory council at Legislative assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the member of Public chamber of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the department of radiodiagnosis of FPKV. Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation. Winner of an award of the Government of the Russian Federation (2011).
Boris Shakhov was born in the city of Makaryev of the Kostroma region. In 1973 graduated from Gorky medical institute majoring in - "medical case". The master's thesis "A status of a coronary bed at patients with heart aneurysm" was defended in 1979, at Institute of cardiovascular surgery of Bakulev, by the research supervisor - professor Yu.S. Petrosyan.
The doctoral dissertation "Radiodiagnosis of difficult congenital defects of partitions of heart" is defended in 1988. Pupil of school of sciences of the National center of cardiovascular surgery of A.N. Bakulev. Main directions of scientific activity: X-ray cardiology, intervention radiology, X-ray pulmonology, X-ray urology.
The author more than 170 published scientific works, including 10 monographs and 9 benefits. Under the scientific guide of Shakhov Boris Evgenyevich 12 doctor's and 18 master's theses are defended. The chairman of the specialized academic council on protection of doctoral dissertations at Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy.
Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Member of council of Association of radiologists of Russia and Association of X-ray surgeons of Russia. The member of Interdepartmental council of MZ and Russian Academy of Medical Science on the sections "Cardiovascular Surgery" and "Radiodiagnosis and Radiation Therapy". Chairman of the Nizhny Novgorod department of League of health of the nation of Regional society of radiologists. The member of editorial board of 3 hosts of magazines of Russia on radiodiagnosis "The messenger of a radiology and radiology", "Medical visualization", "The international magazine of intervention cardiology".
For November 25, 2013 Boris Evgenyevich Shakhov works as the rector of NNSMA.
Awards: a silver medal of I. Pavlov of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For development of medicine and health care", V.K. Rentgen's medal of the European academy of natural sciences in Hanover "For special merits in the field of scientific research", a distinction "For merits in the border service" the II degrees. Winner of the Award of the city N. Novgoroda 1993, 2003, 2004. The certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Nizhny Novgorod Region "For active work with talented scientific youth. It is mentioned by Gratitude of administration of the Nizhny Novgorod Region "For honest work".
Hobby: sport, photo.