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Gazprombank increased intelligence of the contact center

Customers: Gazprombank (GPB)

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: Call center - Construction projects and upgrades of call centers and contact centers

Project date: 2012/03  - 2017/03

2017: Gazprombank increased intelligence of the contact center

In the spring of 2017 of CROC together with the Center of Speech Technologies (CST) completed the complex project on expansion of functionality of contact center of Gazprombank. According to the results of upgrade of IVR only for the first four months the number of the clients obtaining information without the assistance of the operator increased by 36%. Besides, performance of control service of quality increased twice, and the quantity of claim customer appeals decreased by 30%.

Monthly agents of contact center of Gazprombank process more than 300 thousand customer appeals across all Russia. Highly skilled operators provide to private and corporate clients the operational help in the solution of a wide range of questions: from activation/blocking of credit cards before carrying out financial transactions.

To increase the processing speed of requests of clients of Gazprombank specialists of CROC and CST implemented the system of voice self-service (IVR) which synthesis and speech recognition are built in. Now, to obtain necessary information, the client has enough in a free form and without clicking of keys of phone, to sound the request – for example, "I want to specify card balance". Further a system independently using IVR will provide the qualified consultation. At a request, atypical for Gazprombank, a system, "having heard" the client, so quickly switches it to the universal operator having necessary examination. It considerably saves time of clients at the appeal to bank and optimizes work of call center operators.

For the purpose of increase in level of customer satisfaction of Gazprombank service implemented the system of the automated quality control. She fixes and analyzes all dialogs. So, for example, if the client in the course of communication with the operator changes dynamics of tone or uses special words-yakori, a system in real time creates reports for control service of quality. It helps to reveal the claim address of the client as soon as possible and, thus, as fast as possible and professionally to resolve his issue.

The recording system and analysts of the speech also allowed the head of contact center and to control service of quality online to analyze work of operators on quantitative-temporal, lexico-semantic and emotional parameters. It helps to reduce quantity of repeated customer appeals, to reveal and remove the causes of long calls to contact center.

"Bank – structure, difficult regarding business processes, with a large number of critical information systems and increased requirements to security. At upgrade of contact center we quickly interacted with 5 adjacent departments of bank, considering their interests. For this reason the project was not so much technology difficult how many required competent consulting and management. Moreover, requirements to ensuring continuity of customer services imposed the accessorial liability, process of tinning of clients of bank should not have stopped for a minute. Only the company having long-term industry experience can implement similar projects. And it precisely about CROC", - Malinovsky Sergey, the head of voice solutions of CROC added.

2012: CROC implemented a recording system of telephone negotiations in Gazprombank
