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On December 12 - the presentation "Effective management of sales from bits.BI.Sales"

05.12.13, 11:35, Msk

The invitation to the presentation of a new solution in the field of a business intelligence on December 12, 2013, Thursday (15:00-19:30) "Effective management of sales from bits.BI.Sales"

The First BIT company - the participant of the Russian market of automation and IT consulting, invites to visit the presentation of a new product of bits.BI.Sales.

The action purpose – to show the solution for the business analysis of a business activity of trading or production companies.

Experts experts Yuli Minkin, Sergey Belostotsky and Semyon Astakhov having rich experience of work in the field of sales management on the basis of a business intelligence will act as leaders.

Venue: Moscow, m. Frunze, Trubetskaya St., 28, building 1

Participation conditions: a free admission, registration via the website or the request for the specified contacts is necessary: Yulia Romashkina, Senior Sales Manager

+7 495 748-01-13,

To participation are invited:

  • CEOs;
  • Commercial directors;
  • Marketing directors;
  • Heads of commercial departments and services.

At a seminar you learn, how using the system of the business analysis:

  • increase sales growth and profits,
  • check expenses,
  • optimize use of floor spaces,
  • increase efficiency of departments,
  • manage material stocks,
  • perform modeling and forecasting.

Having participated in a seminar, you receive:

  • Materials of the presentation in electronic form,
  • Test license for the system of a business intelligence QlikView.

Program of an action

  • 2:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. Registration of participants
  • 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. 1. Approaches and methods of business simulation
  • 4 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 2. Advantages of the systems of the business analysis
  • 4:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Coffee break
  • 4:45 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. 3. The presentation of standard model of the analysis of sales, marketing and KPI
  • 6:15 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 4. The presentation of standard model of efficiency analysis of customer acquisition via the website
  • 6:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. 5. Workshop on notebooks how to use the top level of analytics in motel of bits.BI.Sales

Information on speakers

Yuli Minkin directs the BI directions and automation of financial management in The First BIT company. The author and the leader of the methodological trainings and seminars devoted to questions of setting of management accounting, budgeting and business analysis. More than 13 years of the management of departments of consulting and corporate projects. The head and the coauthor of a number of standard application solutions on 1C: Enterprise platforms and QlikView.

Sergey Belostotsky is a specialist in automation of business based on "QlikView". Participated in projects on implementation of information systems as the developer and the technical lead of projects of QlikView, web developer, the 1C programmer. Its specialization - the sphere of retail, production, finance and marketing. Among projects in which he participated, the known companies: Tommy Hilfiger, RA "Flow of Clients", "Russian Railway",, MasterCard, Spar. Also Sergey took part in development of industry solutions "BIT: Administration" and "BIT: Telemarketing".

Semyon Astakhov – Semyon Astakhov is business intelligence specialist on the QlikView platform. Participated in implementation projects of information systems as the developer and the senior of the developer. In addition to QlikView Semyon perfectly knows 1C that allows it to carry out the tasks successfully. He specializes in projects in the field of retail, the oil, bank and game industries. Among Semyon's clients there are such companies as: Mail.Ru Group, Alliance Group, CEDC (Russky alkogol Group), Garden retail service, BASIS system, Pharmacy chain 36.6.