Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Forvard Capital automated accounting of activity of mutual funds

Customers: Forward Capital

Moscow; Consulting, including managerial and personnel

Contractors: Avancore
Product: Avancore: Management company
На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0

Project date: 2013/05  - 2013/09

On December 4, 2013 the Avancore company announced project completion of automation of accounting of mutual investment funds in Forvard Capital LLC implementation of the program "Avancore: Mutual investment funds".

Project Tasks

Main objectives of automation:

  • Automate accounting closed mutual fund
  • Automate calculation of reserves and remunerations
  • Automate formation of the regulated reporting
  • Automate accounting of procedural transactions

Project Progress

As the solution selected software "Avancore: Management company", the mutual fund providing accounting automation for the qualified investors, including report generation on the qualified investors. The solution allowed to automate accounting of monetary claims, including in currency: automatic loading of monetary claims and payment schedule, charge of debt on payments, formation of estimated value of monetary claims. The Avancore company developed the special algorithm of calculation of reserves and remunerations registered in account policy of Forvard Capital LLC.