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Developers: Amiro
Last Release Date: 2021/03/01
Technology: CMS - Content Management Systems


2021: Amiro.CMS 7.8: updated Currency module

On March 1, 2021, Amiro introduced Amiro.CMS 7.8 with an updated Currency module.

According to the company, the changes touched the launch page of the Control Panel, the top and side menus, control elements, filters and forms of modules. Less consonant roundness, more uncompromising right angles.

In addition, in the Visual Editor:

  • An attribute editor is added to the Style Editor form.
  • Enhanced ability to specify font attributes (family, size)
  • quick insertion of links and codes YouTube, Rutube, images, without using gadgets and switching to html mode (you just need to insert a link to the video or code obtained by the "Share" button at the right place in the Visual Editor window);
  • in the Image Ribbon gadget, Drag & Drop sorting of images is implemented.

"Edit Styles"
  • Added to Site Manager a search of pages by content, as well as a quick search of the site map;

"Site Manager"
  • The Page Layouts management module adds code highlighting and row numbering, and optimizes and simplifies the validation of layout code when saving, the necessary (but accidentally deleted) codes are now added automatically;
  • Page Layouts add the ability to override HTML and HEAD tags, and add page names that use layouts to the layout list.

In "Media Files" multi-load images are implemented (at the same time up to 50 images), with a total volume in the size of the restriction specified in the system settings. If the total volume or volume of any images exceeds the limit, the system will warn you about this before loading and prompt you to remove excess images from the list of ready-to-download images. The preview display of images has also been updated, it has become more informative and visible, and the preview has become larger and is displayed while maintaining proportions.

"Media Files"

Creating user groups with different Control Panel permissions is now available for all commercial Amiro.CMS revisions. Now, administrators of the product catalog, sales managers, seoshniks, content makers and foresters do not have to transfer the rights of the site's super administrator, the system login can now remain only with the site owner.

Data exchange in the goods catalog (import/export to 1C, data exchange through csv, upload to Yandex.Market, etc.), as well as export of orders and buyers and call of exchange functions remotely and according to the schedule through http-protocol are now available in the editions of "Showcase" and "Minimarket."

After upgrading to version 7.8, these modules will appear automatically in Control Panel, otherwise you can contact Customer Support to update your license.

The interface of the "Currencies" module has been updated, now the work with currencies is more understandable, in addition:

  • It is possible to create your own currencies with fixed rates and exclude them from the procedure for automatic updating of rates.
  • Added formula support. In the name of the currency, you can use the formula to calculate the exchange rate of the currency based on the exchange rate of the same or another currency. The formula should be enclosed in parentheses, for example:
    • My dollar (USD * 1.03) - exchange rate will be set as dollar exchange rate plus 3%
    • My currency ((EUR + USD )/2 + 5.5%) - the exchange rate will be set as the euro exchange rate plus the dollar exchange rate divided by two plus 5.5%.

The rate will be calculated using the formula immediately when editing the formula and in the future will be updated automatically when manually and automatically updating currency rates over the Internet. This non-trivial approach, such as using a formula in a title, allows you to see how a given currency is calculated when you select currencies in the merchandise catalog. On the site in the special currency block, names are displayed without formulas.

  • The directory of currency codes has been updated, now the directory is automatically pulled up from the website of the Central Bank.
  • The currency rates are now displayed and entered in the nominal value of the exchange rate, not as coefficients (1/N). Rates are stored in the same way as before in the form of coefficients, this means that when updating, currency rates on the site will not change.
  • The Number of Digits After Decimal Point option only affects the display and entry of nominal rates and does not affect the accuracy of currency calculations.

Using the currency module, you can set the prices of goods in currencies (for example, in euros, dollars, etc.), while using different currencies and at the same time several currencies for the same article. And on the site, prices will be displayed in rubles, recalculated according to the given formulas and current rates. Currency rates can be automatically updated in accordance with the rates of the Central Bank with a given frequency.

Improvements and corrections have affected the following:

  • The name = "GENERATOR" meta tag is removed, and after upgrading to version 7.8, the meta tag will not be present in the source page code.
  • The system status information has been expanded: for specialists, the ability to view phpinfo (), system logs, and code integrity check has been added.
  • The Site SQL Query Execution tab has been added to System Setup - Maintenance to the database MySQL.
  • Added customization change log.

"Configuration Log"
  • Fixed the error of scrolling the editor in the syntax highlight mode (when in html mode the content of the text form was "twisted" in the browser window).
  • For the CSS System tab, syntax highlight and search/replace function are added.
  • In order management, additional information search fields (buyer, delivery data), company name, customer comments have been added to the filter. The order editing form itself has acquired a more convenient and understandable interface. The Apply button is duplicated below the order status change form block and the Administrator/Manager login has been added to the order status change history.
  • The possibility of buying goods from a category with subspecies is implemented if the goods do not have subspecies, such goods can be bought as usual at the base price. This allows in a category with a data set in which there are subspecies to keep goods both with and without subspecies, this significantly increases the possibility of using additional categories (reference goods).
  • Additional categories are now managed directly on the item edit form, not in the pop-up, and there is a quick search by category and a visual display of the selected categories. In the list of goods, reference articles can now be distinguished from originals, and by clicking on the name of the reference article, the form of editing the original article immediately opens.
  • A discounted price was added to the Yandex.Market export driver. In addition, the upload is now made to a temporary file, which is then instantly renamed to the main file, and the main file is saved with a postfix in the name'pev ', for quick rollback.
  • PHP 7.3 support is implemented.

2014: Amiro.CMS 6.0.4

Acceptance of PayPal payments in rubles

Since the fall of 2013, the global international payment system PayPal began to accept payments in rubles, and business users got the opportunity to withdraw funds to a Russian bank account in rubles. PayPal is rapidly developing in Russia and now, according to a study by Synovate Comcon, it is included in the TOP3 of the most popular payment means in Runet.

With the release of the new release, store owners on Amiro.CMS were able to use the services of the world leader in online payments to sell their goods. To do this, Amiro's developers updated PayPal support by switching to the more modern Express Checkout API, which allows you to work with the domestic currency (previously the system supported PayPal only for the Western market).

PayPal is an easy, fast and secure way to send and receive money online. Buyers do not need to enter or disclose their financial information to pay for the item. They can choose to pay with a credit card or PayPal balance. Sellers do not have to wait for payments to arrive: the funds appear in their account PayPal within a few seconds. As a global leader in online payments, PayPal has been securing financial transactions for more than 15 years.

Bank cards, PayPal

Traditionally, for Amiro.CMS, the connection process is very simple: the store owner only needs to sign a contract with the PayPal system and activate the settings in the control panel of his store. For the convenience of the administrator, simultaneous storage of test and working settings is implemented.

Default templates are always on hand

The original generic templates and localization files are now always at hand.

If, for some reason, the template has been corrupted or changed unsuccessfully, now roll back to its original state at any time without having to reinstall or download the standard template from the Amiro.CMS. site. Recovery occurs at the touch of one button.

When you view a template, you can click one button to display the default source template, and its code is automatically scrolled onto the row that the user viewed in the modified template.

The new filter allows you to 1 click to get a list of all templates that have been changed relative to the original templates.

The built-in visual comparison tool for templates and localizations with syntax highlighting will help compare the differences between current templates and typical ones, roll back changes or transfer selected fragments from default templates.

The comparison tool saves the user time by automatically scrolling through the code listing until the first change.

The introduction of these tools allows you to experiment more confidently with presentation on the site and increases the efficiency of integrators.

Amiro.CMS embodies user ideas

The implementation of Amiro.CMS customer wishes, collected on the service, continues, in which everyone can express their proposals for improving the product or vote for the implementation of the ideas of other users. Ideas gaining the most votes are implemented by Amiro.CMS. developers. In this update, the next 5 ideas are implemented. Read more about them in the sections "Convenience and efficiency for online stores" and "Replenishment in Amiro.Market."

Convenience and efficiency for online stores

In Amiro.CMS 6.0.4, another portion of improvements for online stores, based on ideas provided by users of the service

Group change of order statuses

Amiro.CMS saves the time of an online store administrator by allowing you to mark orders and select their status from the drop-down list.

This opportunity is especially relevant for stores serving hundreds or thousands of orders per day. In other CMS, administrators are sometimes forced to spend unproductive time cursing each order, changing status, and saving changes.

Smart Button 'to Cart'

The button for buying the item - 'To the cart' learned to specifically indicate the item previously added by the user to the cart. In this case, the corresponding prompt is displayed next to the button with an invitation to go to the basket. The prompt correctly handles situations for items with options.

Using the smart button allows you to further increase the conversion by focusing the visitor's attention on the cart. The convenience of the user, who when viewing the site immediately sees what goods he has already put in the cart.

The smart button works in the item card and item lists, for example, when viewing product categories or search results.

This option is disabled by default. You can activate it without programming - in the administrative panel using the configuration control center.

Search by Product Category List

If the store uses several dozen categories, then choosing the right one from the drop-down list becomes a difficult task, and if the number of categories is calculated in hundreds, then it is completely impossible. To solve this problem, a quick search mechanism for the list of categories has been introduced. To select a category, it is enough to type several letters from its name - only categories whose names contain these letters will remain in the list.

Traditionally, attention is paid to speed and performance - the new drop-down list is optimized and tested on large amounts of data (3-10 thousand elements).

Replenishment in Amiro.Market

The store of ready-made solutions for Amiro.CMS has been replenished with new free modules for online stores and sites. These are SMS statuses and gateways, as well as updated information.

SMS Order Notifications

At the request of users with the release of Amiro.CMS 6.0.4 in Amiro.Market, an SMS status module has become available, allowing the store administrator to independently select and connect SMS notification providers in several mouse clicks.

Currently, 2 SMS gateways are available: SMS.RU for Russia and for other countries. The SMS status module and drivers for SMS gateways are installed via Amiro.Market.

The selected SMS notification providers best meet the needs of CMS users. Using the Amiro.CMS API, developers and SMS aggregators can create their own SMS drivers and place them in Amiro.Market.

An online store administrator can specify an SMS notification template and specify which order statuses should be notified to the customer.

Developer Enhancements

In the new version, developers received the following useful improvements:

  • In the "Solution Generator" for Amiro.Market there were hints, he received the support of the tab "Parameters and SEO."
  • Amiro.Market published a new module "Online Informer," which is a plugin AJAX Responder, rewritten using REST API Amiro.CMS 6.
  • Updated developer documentation: in the sections describing the development of modules, a description of the use of the "Solution Generator" has been added.
  • In the Solution Generator, it is possible to automatically create a skeleton of web services for modules - for this you need to mark the option "Web Service."

Ready-made module for Amiro.CMS in 2 minutes

The Amiro.CMS architecture allows developers to efficiently reuse the available ready-made functionality and infrastructure, write their code only to implement the functionality required by the customer, avoiding the routine for trivial operations that arise when using other CMS.

For the release of the new version, Amiro developers prepared a video showing how in just 2 minutes you can create a module for Amiro.Market. You can see it on the Amiro.CMS. website.

On the site in the section "Cases" a refillable collection of examples that demonstrate the ease of approach to the development of solutions on Amiro.CMS 6.

2013: Amiro.CMS 6

Amiro.CMS 6 has implemented more than 500 changes. For flexible content management, Infolents appeared - a universal entity, with functionality and typical scenarios for working with content. Locator to go to settings and modules without even knowing the name. Launched Amiro.Market - a store of ready-made solutions, expanding the standard capabilities of Amiro.CMS.

Read about Amiro.CMS 6 changes:

  • a modern open source kernel;
  • Contents for flexible content management
  • locator for quick access to settings and modules by name;
  • more ready solutions with Amiro.Market;
  • Amiro.CMS 6 revision cost.

Modern Open Source Kernel

Amiro.CMS is known as a closed system in which the user can realize all his needs without programming.

Now it is an open source platform, an extensive API, providing professional effective development and modification tools for any project, regardless of its scale - from a small business card site to large online stores, content projects, media sites, complex web applications.

Developers have access to the tools and technologies used by Amiro to develop the CMS core.

The open architecture of Amiro.CMS 6 is designed to allow implementation based on the task facing the developer: any place can be inherited, replaced, in several ways change the functionality at the level where it is currently required. The architecture allows the developer to maximize the use of the available ready-made platform functionality and infrastructure, write his code only to implement the functionality required by the customer, avoiding the routine for trivial operations.

All sites developed on any edition of Amiro.CMS 5 can be automatically updated to Amiro.CMS 6 without loss of functionality.

Contents for flexible content management

In Amiro.CMS 6, the approach to organizing content management modules has changed and evolved. Thanks to the new Amiro.CMS architecture, instead of a fixed set of news/blogs/photo albums content modules, users can organically and flexibly customize their content management functionality for the needs of a specific project without involving programmers and even integrators.

Any content module is obtained by setting up Infolent - an entity containing an exhaustive finished functionality and all typical scenarios for working with content. For example, a news feed is a content in which categories are disabled. The blog differs from the news feed in that it has comments and voting enabled by default. By changing the settings of the infiltration at your discretion, you can get essentially a new type of module.

The capabilities of content are not limited to creating only these formats - they are given as an example as the most popular. The possibilities themselves are limited only by the requirements and imagination of the site owner.

The site administrator can choose how many content modules and what functionality is needed for his project. For example, the CMS user can install several news feeds from the distribution, while redefining the appearance of each of them and including each with its own unique set of additional functionality. You can name the InfoTapes as necessary for the administrator and place them in any order and section of the site control panel.

On previously created sites, content management modules (news, articles, photo albums, blogs) of the previous generation will continue to work unchanged. They can be automatically converted into infiltrations, and they can be chosen - with the preservation of the existing design, or with new modern universal templates, which give more opportunities to customize the design without programming, by CSS alone. Unused modules can be removed from the module manager, freeing up system resources.

Locator for quick access to settings and modules by name

In the Amiro.CMS 6 control panel, the task of finding settings is solved, which users of all existing CMS regularly encounter. To do this, the Preference Locator is used - a navigation tool.

Thanks to the new navigation tool, any settings are now always in view. To change the settings, you no longer need to look for information in the documentation, contact technical support, look for advice from programmers or integrators.

Even without knowing the exact name of the parameter or module, the user can easily find the desired settings by simply formulating and starting to type what he needs to change.

In addition to the settings, modules received a similar convenient search tool. The title of the current module in the toolbar is both a search string.

The module locator helps save the user time - now at the beginning of getting acquainted with the system you no longer need to "curse" all sections of the menu in search of the desired module. Even without knowing which section of the menu is located and how exactly the desired module is called, you can easily go to it by simply typing several letters of its name.

More ready solutions with Amiro.Market

Together with Amiro.CMS 6, a new product - Amiro.Market. This is a ready-made solution store that significantly expands the capabilities of Amiro.CMS. Amiro.The market is available to users in the form of a catalog on the site, as well as directly in the control panel of all sites on Amiro.CMS.