Voytovich Stanislav Andreevich is a founder and the President of FUD TERRA Group.
Stanislav Voytovich was born in state farm Pyatigorsk, Derzhavinsky district of the Tselinograd region (Zharkainsky district of the Akmola region of Kazakhstan) in working family.
In 1982 left Vasilkovsky secondary school. In 1997 graduated from the Ukrainian state university of food technologies majoring in "Technology of meat and meat products".
In 1999 became the shareholder of JSC Tulchinsky Creamery. In 2001 - the shareholder of JSC Vapnyarsky Milk Plant
In 2003 Voytovich becomes the shareholder of JSC Reshetilovsky Creamery.
During the period from 2003 to 2005 Voytovich Stanislav Andreevich buys Kryzhopolsky creamery and Tulchinsky meat-processing plant.
In 2006 Stanislav Voytovich created and headed "FUD TERRA management company.
For merits in development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, a personal deposit in increase in production volumes and processing of agricultural products on the basis of introduction of progressive technologies, in 2009 the Decree of the President of Ukraine to Stanislav Voytovich gives the rank of the Hero of Ukraine with delivery of an award of the Power.
Stanislav Voytovich - "The honored worker of agriculture of Ukraine" (The decree of the President of Ukraine, 2006), the winner in the Landowner of Year XI nomination of the national program "Person of Year" (2006) and the Honourable citizen Tulchin (the decision of Tulchinsky city council, 2011).
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Saint Grand duke Vladimir Equal to the apostles ІІ degrees is awarded the order.