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Abramov Denis Vasilyevich
Abramov Denis Vasilyevich

Abramov Denis Vasilyevich is the CEO of the State state enterprise "Agency on the Maintenance of Public Highways of the Samara Region" (ASADO)


Denis Abramov graduated from Northwest academy of civil service in St. Petersburg.

In 1997 - 2003 worked at different positions in SUE Udmurtavtodor, then in GU "Upravtodor".

In 2007 became the head of GU "Upravtodor". In 2007 it is elected the deputy of the State Council of Udmurtia from a batch of the United Russia, was a part of the commission on economic policy, the industry and investments. It was elected the deputy of the Balezino regional council of deputies.

Party member United Russia.

For December 18, 2013 Denis Abramov works as the CEO of GKP "ASADO"