AGM consult
Consulting, including managerial and personnel
Since 2011
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
Since 2011
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
The AGM consult company was formed by Oleg Apanasevich in 2011 in the city of St. Petersburg. The purpose of the company - solving of tasks on sales increase in small and medium business.
Main activities: increase in a flow of clients in business; marketing planning; increase in conversion call/meeting, call/sale, meeting/sale; creation of sales department; personnel training; strategic development of business. Main principles of a company performance: the involvement into business of the customer, individual approach to the client, practical methods of work, a financial guarantee of result. Among clients there are companies: trade corporation "AKB-Energo", logistic company "Grandee Kargo", wholesale company of "Hazelwood", UNION M St. Petersburg trade firm, furniture company "Ekoforma", Solyaris travel agency, studio of beauty of Zoya Ivanova, etc.