Customers: Kaluga Regional Clinical Hospital (KRCH) Kaluga; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Favor Product: 1C: Medicine. Salary and budget institution staffНа базе: 1C: Medicine Project date: 2013/10 - 2013/12
Number of licenses: 86
On January 15, 2014 to Favor Company LLC was announced product introduction "by 1C: Medicine. Salary and a budget institution staff 8" in the Kaluga regional clinical hospital.
Project Tasks
State-funded health institution of the Kaluga region "Kaluga regional clinical hospital" - multi-profile medical institution of area.
The staff totals 1.5 thousand specialists. Monthly in organization about 2 thousand personnel documents are processed. The salary to personnel is calculated taking into account professional qualification grades and groups. At the same time remuneration of staff of departments is defined using a "brigade" wage system which is used in organization since 1986. Depending on solvable tasks, working conditions of departments crews are formed. The economical department for each crew sets the monthly wages funds which are subject to distribution among members of crew. Each crew is headed by the foreman from among members of crew. The foreman plans working time of employees – makes the working schedule of crew, keeps account of a worked time – the sheet and fills out the document of accounting of the performed work and salary fund allocation – the passport of crew. For the correct and timely payroll tools for accurate accounting of working time of employees are required for organization. It is necessary to control quickly validity periods of medical certificates and qualification categories and to timely plan recertification and advanced training of employees. Besides, organization is obliged to provide monthly in the Ministry of Health statistical reporting for monitoring of the salary on employee categories.
For conducting personnel records and payroll in organization separate information systems which did not consider specifics of payroll in medical institutions were used, in particular, did not provide accounting of employees on qualification levels and professional groups. There was no accounting of medical certificates. Salary accrual on a brigade wage system in departments was executed manually.
Project Progress
According to the results of tender, the Favor Company became the partner in an implementation project of a new system. For the solution of assigned tasks the solution "1C: Medicine was selected . Salary and budget institution staff 8".
During the project specialists of the contractor organized data transfer from old programs, provided user training. A system was customized according to requirements of organization, in particular, developed the special block using which the senior nurses in the automatic mode plan work of crews, keep account of a worked time and distribute wage fund on department. A system is unrolled in 86 workplaces.
Project Results
- Personnel document flow is optimized and the regulations of interaction of divisions are created during the work with a system. Earlier, to appoint a basic salary to the new employee, the planning department on a piece of paper transferred information to personnel department, HR specialists created the order, entered data into the system, sent the original of the order to the signature to the management, and the copy – to economical and settlement department which then duplicated data in the programs. Now all data are entered into a system once, working time of employees is saved. Errors when forming documents are excluded, approval of orders is accelerated.
- Work of economical department significantly became simpler. Tariff lists of employees form in a system automatically on the basis of the approved reference books of qualification levels and data of personnel department. Economists received convenient tools for planning and the analysis of the wages funds thanks to what control over distribution of means between departments was strengthened. Statistical reporting for monitoring of the salary on employee categories is prepared quicker.
- Accounting of medical certificates, qualification categories and terms of their action is organized. If end of validity period of this or that certificate approaches, the program creates the corresponding warning. It allows the management of hospital to plan timely recertification and advanced training of the employees, supporting the high professional grade of personnel.
- Using a new system senior nurses on places create the working schedule of the department, keep the sheet of accounting of a worked time, distribute the approved wages funds on employees of crew, receive the unified printed forms. Thanks to such schedule system of working time in organization it is in advance evenly distributed and information on their employment in future periods is carried to employees, losses of working time are reduced. Automatic payroll in passports of crew excludes errors in charges and does transparent the mechanism of distribution of funds in crew that increases loyalty of employees to organization.
- The salary by articles of financing existing in organization is calculated now automatically on the basis of data of economical department, personnel department and departments of hospital. Process of salary accrual happens quicker, labor costs of staff of settlement department were reduced by formation of the regulated and summary statistical reporting. There were more opportunities for accounting and the analysis of settlings with personnel and also with off-budget funds and UFNS.
Yulia Spiryakina, the deputy chief physician for economic problems, noted: "A new system completely met our expectations. Tariff lists and reports on completeness of the state quickly form in a system. Process, the applied in our hospital, brigade method of distribution of wage funds is automated. We could strengthen control over expenditure of funds for compensation of personnel of organization, improved our program for planning of expenses on wage funds. Terms of preparation of economical statistical reporting were twice reduced".