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Project completed transition to Microsoft SQL Server 2014


Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2014

Project date: 2013/08  - 2013/12

On January 21, 2014 the Microsoft company announced upgrade of infrastructure and the website of company, performance improvement and scalability implementation of Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and technologies of processing in RAM (in-memory OLTP).

Project Tasks

In 2010, after completion of the transaction of merge of two enterprises (bwin and Party Gaming) and the organizations, the company integrated the popular websites of both companies and the problem connected with a lack of flexibility of the existing IT infrastructure came to light: users were redirected from the websites bwin and Party Gaming on the website of the new company which did not cope with loading. The company tried to solve this problem, using the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise platform and the additional hardware, but it appeared insufficiently.

According to company management, the problem was particularly acute very much - working at the highly competitive market just it was impossible to allow idle times, and the system could process less rates, the profit level is lower.

Having got acquainted with opportunities of in-memory OLTP technology from Microsoft, the company decided to try them in case. The technology met expectations.

Project Results

Using the solution on the basis of in-memory OLTP in Microsoft SQL Server 2014, can process up to 250 thousand requests of users per second that "backlog" on the future leaves. By estimates of the company, using SQL Server of 2014 it will almost be able to service if necessary in 20 times more users. The company noted that from the moment of use of the Microsoft SQL Server of 2104 the number of users, so and income of considerably increased. It became possible thanks to the increased processing speed of rates. - one of the first companies which implemented Microsoft SQL Server 2014 in the production environment.