Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Introduction to JAVA rate

Developers: Uransoft training Center
Branches: Information technologies,  Science and education

The rate is directed to acquaintance of listeners with the Java language, with primitive data types, operators and constructions, classes and packets, basic knowledge of OOP. The rate gives bases on work with swing, learns to process exclusive situations in a programs runtime, gives an idea of debugging methods. Within training listeners get acquainted with the existing development environments.

For whom and why:

The rate will be useful to those who want to start the career in the field of IT as a beginner of developer Java.

Prior knowledge:

The rate is focused on experienced users of the PC and all those who wants to start the career in the field of IT as a beginner of developer Java

What knowledge and skills you receive:

  1. Work with the NetBeans/IntellijIDEA environment
  2. Creation of simple applications
  3. Creation of simple graphical interfaces of users

Occupation 1.

  1. Historical information
  2. Writing, compilation and application launch, jar-files
  3. IDE
  4. Operators (Part 1)
  5. Arrays (Part 1)

Occupation 2:

  1. Data types
  2. Operators (Part 2)
  3. Reduction of types

Occupation 3:

  1. Managing operators
  2. Arrays (Part 2)
  3. Work with string variables

Occupation 4:

  1. Principles of OOP
  2. Variables of reference type
  3. Designers
  4. Methods

Occupation 5:

Acquaintance to swing

Occupation 6:

  1. Inheritance
  2. Overload of designers/methods

Occupation 7:

  1. Paqueta
  2. Encapsulation
  3. Abstract classes
  4. Interfaces

Occupation 8:

  1. Exclusive situations
  2. Reading/record from the file

Technologies, software tools as a part of a rate:


Duration: 24 academician of hour / + 24 academician of hour of independent work

Cost: 9,600 rubles.

Vacancies for which you can apply upon termination of a rate:

  1. developer Trainee of Java
  2. Junior programmer