Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

A series of seminars about marketing in IT of "MarketoIT"

Developers: Uransoft training Center
Branches: Information technologies,  Science and education

MarketoIT is an open seminar on marketing problems in IT: from knowledge and abilities to the solution of difficult tasks.

At a seminar you learn:

  1. That it is necessary to know and be able to do marketing specialist / PR-shchiku for work in IT, as well as where to learn it, where to gain the first experience;
  2. in What experienced marketing specialists and PR who work long ago in the IT sphere what tools use in the work are engaged;
  3. As work of marketing departments in the leading IT companies of St. Petersburg is constructed;
  4. C what problems and non-standard tasks faces the IT marketing specialist and as he solves them;
  5. What role is played in promotion of IT products and services technical specialists and why they need knowledge of marketing play.

You will be able:

  1. to Gain new knowledge and the ideas for promotion of the products or services;
  2. to Get acquainted not only with mature and experienced, but also with young and "impudent" adherents, to exchange the ideas and views;
  3. to Take the first step to successful career in IT marketing;
  4. to Get inspiration for self-realization and professional growth if you already work in the field of marketing/PR.

We wait:

  1. the Acting and future specialists in the field of marketing and PR;
  2. Those who are involved in process of promotion of IT products and services (sales, business development specialists, project managers and to products and others);
  3. Those who are involved in process of creation of IT products and services – technical specialists, developers who want to know, as for whom they do;
  4. Those who plan or only there began own business in the IT industry (startups and freelancers, hi!);
  5. Everyone, for whom topical issues of creation of career in the IT sphere.