Customers: DataLine
Contractors: Andek Product: Projects of external audit of IT and security (in tch PCI DSS and SUIB)Project date: 2014/08 - 2014/12
On January 27, 2014 the Andek company announced completion at the end of December, 2013 of actions of audit of a security system of DataLine company on compliance to requirements of the international standard of information security of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Project Progress
Within the scope of assessment on compliance to the standard fell:
- the premises of data centers intended for placement of the equipment of clients
- procedures of management of physical access for employees and visitors,
- organization of the access and inside control,
- control and management system for access
- video surveillance system.
Project Results
Vyacheslav Maximov, the deputy CEO of Andek company for the direction of process optimization of management of cybersecurity, emphasized: "At the end of 2013 we booked audit of DataLine company and are ready to confirm that the protective measures provided by DataLine within rendering service of colocation fully conform to all applicable requirements of the standard".
"The high level of information security is the cornerstone of quality of our services and customer confidence to the company, – Yury Samoylov, the CEO of DataLine company noted. – It is especially important for large financial institutions therefore annual confirmation of conformity to the PCI DSS standard is an obligatory part of our complex approach on information security support".
periodic audit of DPCs Is complete
On March 3, 2015 the DataLine company announced completion at the end of 2014 of audit on compliance to requirements of the international standard of information security of Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) in own network of data centers. Audit was booked by Andek company.
DPC of OST DataLine on Pine-forest, 2015
DataLine annually undergoes audit on compliance to requirements of the PCI DSS standard. The area of assessment on compliance to the standard included the premises of the data processing centers (DPC) of DataLine intended for placement of the equipment of clients, the procedures of management of physical access for employees and visitors admitted to the companies, a control and management system for access.
"For us obtaining the certificate of PCI DSS already became obligatory annual "ritual", – Yury Samoylov, the CEO of DataLine emphasized. – Among our clients traditionally there are a lot of companies of the financial sector therefore we are engaged in the most serious way in all aspects of information security support and we care for compliance of our platforms and processes to the most strict international requirements".
Vyacheslav Maximov, the head of the auditing department and consulting of Andek company, told: "We completed the next check of DataLine company and are ready to confirm that the protective measures provided by DataLine within services in placement of the equipment in data centers with a connectivity to the Internet and internal corporate networks fully conform to all applicable requirements of the standard".