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Contain-RZ proposes solutions for the clients. The modular DPC represents a normal transport container of the standard size in 20 or 40 feet in which full-fledged modern infrastructure for the organization of data center is located: server racks, own cooling systems and fire extinguishing and also monitoring system.

Though such DPC also looks outside as a container, for its construction normal transport containers are not used. Each such DPC gathers from scratch, it gives extraordinary flexibility as containers can be combined with each other, and different methods.

At any time such DPC can be submerged on the normal container carrier and to transport on the new place. For this reason they are called mobile DPCs. However if it is known that frequent moving do not threaten your data center, it is possible to refuse duplication of systems and to focus on more productive use of internal space. Having integrated several containers, it is possible to place compactly all auxiliary engineering systems only in one of them, and to use all other useful space under server racks.

At the same time the mobility suffers a little - for moving it will be required to dismantle and then again to mount some part of the engineering equipment, but the efficiency of use improves. Such DPC is called modular. Placement of World Data Centres usually requires just flat platform and communications (electricity and network). For the organization of data center of class A+ it is required to fill in the base of future DPC with concrete in addition.

What advantages at this solution before construction of own DPC or its lease?

  • Construction speed. Construction of modular DPC requires only 3-4 months (from agreement signature before commissioning).

Commissioning takes only 1-2 days as all engineering systems are already customized and tested by the producer, you need only to place correctly a container and to connect communications. If the organization needs moving, system administrators do not panic from this thought any more, and just cancel plans for the weekend - everything that is required, it is correct to switch off the equipment, to disconnect communications and to submerge a container on the container carrier. And on arrival on the new place to make all manipulations upside-down.

  • Scalability. Any owner of business does not know precisely what sizes there will be its enterprise in several years. But the IT personnel usually think very positively and on the offer to make requirements to data center of the company try to put the solution with a triple stock. Mobile DPCs allow to bypass elegantly this problem, taking into account the speed of construction and deployment of modules there is no more need to put power reserve for the years ahead - use only what is necessary here and now and if is a little - it is possible to bring and deliver one more container nearby, having increased the power of the data center.

First of all advantages of modular DPCs estimated those who look for the disaster-proof solutions capable to work in any conditions – mobile operators, the raw sector. Secondly, it is the companies for which business continuity is important, and the cost of idle time of the IT equipment is extremely high, for example, financial and insurance companies, banks. Well and in the third, it is IT service providers who look for ways of reduction of capital costs of construction. The companies forced to work in difficult climatic conditions will estimate also one more advantage of mobile DTs - as a rule, they can work with the broad temperature range, and the complete tightness and autonomy considerably save money and resources for service.