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Asterisk integration module + SugarCRM

Developers: Pingwin Software
Date of the premiere of the system: 2014/02/05
Technology: CRM,  Call centers

Asterisk integration module + SugarCRM - the integration module integrates SugarCRM customer relationship management system with a corporate system of the IP telephony on the Asterisk platform.

On February 5, 2014 the Pingwin Software company announced the module of integration the IP telephony Asterisk with SugarCRM

Program screen


The module of integration provides interaction of a customer relationship management system of SugarCRM with a corporate system of the IP telephony of Asterisk. Integration helps to save all history of communication of sellers with clients and to reduce labor costs by entering of information into CRM.


By means of the module a system helps employees to accept and make calls from the SugarCRM interface. Within CRM information on the entering and outgoing calls, including audio recordings of a talk is automatically fixed. As a result the company which implemented the similar module has the whole range of useful opportunities. It both preserving of all history of communication of sellers with clients, and reduction of labor costs on entering of information into CRM.

Accumulated information about calls and negotiations with clients gives additional instruments of control of work of staff of sales department, reduces waiting time of clients, number of the intermediate stages at the appeal to the company that in turn increases service quality and promotes growth of a customer loyalty.

Sergey Genkin, the CEO Pingwin Software, noted: "The decision on development of the integration module is made according to the results of the analysis of incoming requests from our clients. About 40% of clients were very interested in the similar tool, which is not surprising. Practically each seller repeatedly came up against a situation when he lacks time to bring information in CRM, and each head – against impossibility to recover the history of communication with the client after change of the seller".