Customers: Uralavtopritsep Product: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 На базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.0 Project date: 2013/11 - 2014/02
On February 13, 2014 the company of data center Softservice announced the completed project of automation in Chelyabinsk of machine-building plant of Uralavtopritsep trailers the implementing solution "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management".
Project Tasks
Until recently accounting at the plant was conducted in several separate programs and spreadsheets. Product cost was calculated on the basis of planned targets. The most part of operations on accounting was carried out almost manually. The company management made the decision to create the unified information system using which to organize production management and accounting of stock balance, purchase planning of materials and component parts and products cost accounting.
Project Progress
Project implementation the company charged data center Softservice. Specialists of the contractor created a system on a basis of 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management.
Project Results
- Correct cost accounting of products is provided. Before implementation of a new system calculations were carried out on the basis of average consumption rates of materials that led to the errors and inaccuracies reaching 50% on some positions. Today calculation is based on the basis of real data that allows to analyze structure of cost value and to take measures for its decrease.
- After start of a system production standards are specified. Now the purchasing department works with objective data and purchases materials and component parts according to the purchase plan, constructed on the basis of the output plan. Warehouse stocks are reduced to a necessary minimum. As a result purchase costs of materials and component parts managed to be reduced by 10%.
- The amount of materials in work in progress is reduced by 3.5 times. Account and control of stocks, semi-finished products and finished goods at all production phases is kept. As a result, the rules of stocks are respected, production works trouble-free, orders are executed just in time.
- Work on input of primary documents is transferred from accounting services directly in workshops that allowed to reduce decision making time about a material transfer, purchase of component parts, reconfiguration of the equipment and other production tasks from a week to one working day. Reports on daily work of workshop are ready in the same day, also each workshop carries out monthly inventory and reports on volumes of the made products, incomplete products, a remaining balance of component parts. Such approach allows to plan accurately work of workshops, opens new opportunities for decrease in production costs.
- Time for preparation of the regulated reporting and also these tax registers - since three-four weeks till several o'clock is significantly reduced.
Valery Filatov, the CEO of JSC ChMZAP Uralavtopritsep, noted: 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management works for us as the instrument of control and management. Now we act, being guided by real digits. Reduction of production costs for 10% became the best project deliverable. I think, in the long term, having the cost values given about structure, we will be able to improve also this indicator".