Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

The arbitration court of Primorsky Krai connected office to the Internet

Customers: Arbitration court of Primorsky Krai

Vladivostok; Government and social institutions

Contractors: MegaFon
Product: Services of telephony and communication

Project date: 2014/02  - 2014/12


On February 13, 2014 the MegaFon company announced signing of the contract on providing in 2014 services of broadband Internet access for Arbitration court of Primorsky Krai.

Project Tasks

Arbitration court of Primorsky Krai – the largest on number among eight related courts of the Far Eastern judicial District and one of the most "loaded" in the region. For ensuring more high efficiency of work electronic document management and possibilities of a global network is as much as possible used. Today agents of the parties can file moving papers on the Internet, receive the answer, use a card file of affairs.

Project Progress

MegaFon became service provider of the fixed broadband access in the Internet for Arbitration court of Primorsky Krai. Within the agreement the operator provides to organization the channel for the round-the-clock access to a global network.

Project Results

"The value of online access to the Internet for government institutions constantly grows in the region, - Ivetta Scior, the head on development of corporate business of Seaside regional department of MegaFon company noted. - Possibilities of our company allow to provide with high-speed Internet access and a voice communication the different organizations for all Primorye. We are sure that the staff of Arbitration court of Primorsky Krai will fully estimate high quality of services from MegaFon as our already many other corporate clients estimated it".