Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


The name of the base system (platform): National cloud platform of
Developers: Rostelecom
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Financial services, investments and audit

Rostelecom announced in February, 2014 the tender for creation within a national cloud platform of of bank service "O7.Bank". The operator is ready to pay the contractor 75 million rubles.

The cloud platform of Rostelecom was started a few years ago. It contains online services for state institutions and business companies, in particular, of the solution for automation of work of regional institutions in the field of education and health care, accounting and CRM-applications. Bank service, as envisioned by Rostelecom, will provide information exchange of participants of release, issue and service of the electronic signatures (ES) for physical persons and legal entities. Electronic cards, USB tokens, SIM cards, microSD, etc. can act as EDS carriers. Now banks issue the qualified digital signature facilities first of all to clients legal entities for work in systems bank client.

At the same time credit institutions as speak in Rostelecom, already implement also mechanisms of work with means of the EDS in the systems of online banking for individuals. It is necessary for a risk-free remote design and issuance of credits. "The task of mass release and issue of any means of the EDS on the distributed network of offices - is not trivial at all, and still was not solved in Russia, - consider in Rostelecom. - Our services solve problems of integration and interaction with a set of the certification centers (CC), manufacturing plants, banking systems. The customer can organize without additional costs release of means of the EDS at a set of offices in the network distributed across all Russia". Also the operator wants to undertake interaction with clients holders of means of the EDS: provide support, inform by the SMS on expiration of certificates, etc. Besides, bank service of Rostelecom will be able to provide information exchange of credit institutions with authorities, including for the purpose of verification of data of borrowers.

The tender results at the choice of O7.Bank developer had to be summed up in January, 2014, but the tender committee works still. "At the moment specialists of Rostelecom are engaged in assessment of the arrived offers", - explained a delay in the operator. The selected contractor will have to create the system of the services provided according to the rent scheme SaaS. So far final customers the operator sees banks and insurance companies, but further is going to extend a scope on mobile operators, the multifunction centers, etc. O7.Bank, according to representatives of Rostelecom, is created based on prototypes of elements of infrastructure of release and service of hardware of the identification created by the operator earlier. It is about hardware USB tokens which the operator issues for access to the portal of state services (EPGU) through a single system of identification and authorization (Unified identification and authentication system). At the same time clients of banks which will be connected to O7.Bank it will not be automatically obligatory to be registered also in a Unified identification and authentication system. "If you receive in bank the Electronic Government card to which in conditions you agree with registration in a Unified identification and authentication system - you are registered in a Unified identification and authentication system, - explained in the operator, - If you receive in bank the card for remote banking or any other card, an USB token, etc., then you are not registered in a Unified identification and authentication system. Everything depends on parameters of a card product - the choice for the client".

The vice president, the head of department of bank processes and technologies of VTB Karl Summanen calls an initiative of Rostelecom of "conceptually correct, proceeding from the principle specialization and job specialization". But, he makes a reservation, the operator "should assess objectively a situation and not recognize premises that now everything is bad and banks suffer". Use of the certified EDSs in remote bank services for individuals was implemented still in the late nineties by Avtobank and Guta Bank, Summanen reminds. Now this task is solved by many banks therefore Rostelecom "should understand very accurately where there is that market niche" in which its offers will be demanded. "The problem with release of certificates of public key of the EDS is connected not with lack of sufficient number of the certification centers (CC) or a bad covering them territories of the country, and with suspense of legal and economic problems", - Summanen says. He explains the interest of banks in a question of creation of own UTs with the economic reasons (unwillingness to pay for release of certificates by the third party), risks (if responsibility of external UTs for emergency situations is not defined) and quality of service. According to Summanen, the bank which business model assumes absence of network of offices and only remote (without visit to office) customer service through the whole country, including the conclusion of legally significant agreements in electronic form can have interest in third-party UTs.
  • On materials of CNews