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Баннер в шапке 2

Curriculum vitae

Sergey Alekseyevich Shiryaev was born in 1977. In 2000 graduated from physics and technology faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod state technical university of R.E. Alekseev in "Physics and technology of optic communication". The same year got to work in TTK-Nizhny Novgorod as the engineer, then - the chief of Regional command center. Since 2005 was the deputy technical director of TransTeleCom-HH for development, since April, 2012 - the head of development department and planning of an access network of the Access block. In February, 2014 the TTK-Nizhny Novgorod on operation is appointed by the deputy CEO.

At a new position Sergey Shiryaev will be responsible for ensuring safe operation of sections of the backbone digital network of communication (BDNC) of a TTK for the benefit of clients of the company and also fiber-optical communication networks of divisions of JSC "Russian Railways" in regions of presence of a TTK-HH. Among its duties - coordination of activity of 22 operational and technology workshops ensuring functioning of MTsSS in regions.