Customers: Severen-Telecom St. Petersburg; Telecommunications and communications Contractors: 1C: The first BIT (earlier 1C: Accounting and Trade) Product: BIT .FINANS: Management accountingProject date: 2013/02 - 2014/02
On February 18, 2014 1C Company: The first BIT BIT .FINANS announced implementation joint with the operator of fixed connection Severen-Telecom of an implementation project of the solution ". Management accounting".
Project Progress
The first stage − setup of collecting, the fact on management accounting — proceeded 9 months (including debugging, reconciliation of data retrieveds, etc.)
The second stage carried out automation of treasury. Into operation the solution was brought within 2 months.
After a while configured fixed asset accounting for reporting according to IFRS.
Project Results
The management reporting is prepared automatically. Requests for a funds expenditure are registered in a system, it helps with planning and traffic control of money.