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"The Suksunsky optical-mechanical plant" upgrades corporate communications

Customers: Suksunsky optical-mechanical plant

Suksun; Chemical industry

Product: Services of telephony and communication

Project date: 2013/09  - 2014/02

On February 18, 2014 the Rostelecom company announced upgrade of communication networks for the developer and the producer of individual protection equipment of JSC Suksunsky Optical-mechanical Plant.

Project Progress

The telecom operator provided the enterprise with high-speed Internet access and a digital channel of access to the public telephone network (PTN).

To the telecommunication center [[of "the Suksunsky optical-mechanical plant" laid 350 m of the communication fiber line (CFL) for reliability and signal quality, providing Internet connection speed to 100 Mbps.

"Really, providing access to our divisions to the Internet and telephone communication with the guaranteed quality level and reliability, with a possibility of flexible scaling was a main objective of change of a physical medium of data transmission, – Andrey Semkov, the chief of the JSC Suksunsky Optical-mechanical Plant bureau of automated control systems (BACS) noted. - Works on replacement of "copper" by "optics" were carried out within the joint investment project Rostelecom and our society. Distinctive feature of the project was accomplishment of a part of preproject and installation works directly by forces of local workshop of complex maintenance of telecommunication in close interaction with our specialists that allowed to consider as much as possible at design of feature of infrastructure of the enterprise and to optimize costs".

In addition to high-speed Internet access Rostelecom provided access point of the office and production automatic telephone exchange (OPATE) to a public telephone network on a digital channel, it helped to improve internal and external communications. Transient time of connection was reduced, there was an opportunity to perform up to 30 long distance calls at the same time, for UPATS 150 additional directory numbers from the plan of numbering of JSC Rostelecom are selected. The carried-out upgrade helps to work with volume digital content - graphic files, cards, video and audioresources.