The Tyumen holding "Partnyor" summed up the results of use of industry solution of Columbus Food Retail
Customers: Mosmart (Partner) Contractors: Columbus Russia (Columbus Ai Ti Partner) Product: Columbus Food RetailНа базе: Microsoft Dynamics AX Project date: 2013/08
The Tyumen trade holding "Partnyor" shared in February, 2014 results of the implementing solution Columbus Food Retail on the Microsoft Dynamics AX platform. A system provided centralized operation with sales, stocks and purchases of the company, conducting settlement with suppliers, self-produced accounting.
The information management system supports basic processes of grocery retail chain of Partnyor holding: assortment management, pricing and sales, purchase planning, settlement with suppliers, logistic transactions, conducting own production.
"We almost completely changed the processes connected with assortment management and replenishment of shops. Planning and order management is exercised on formats of shops taking into account the sales forecast of goods and its analogs, the accepted diagrams of orders and suppliers, the calculation size in shops, the current remaining balance and terms of their validity, safety stocks, promotion actions, seasonality factors", - comment in Partnyor holding.
"Unlike standard functionality of ERP systems of Columbus Food Retail allows the trading company to build forecasts of the sales demand not only a moving average method, but also taking into account trends of week and annual seasonality", - Denis Pozharsky, the director of practice of Food Retail, consulting company Columbus notes.
The Columbus Food Retail tools for purchasing activity accelerated creation of supplier orders. A system controls the accuracy of their execution, helps to plan payment schedules taking into account delivery dates and conditions of agreements. Document flow with partners is completely automated.
"By then, when the delivery note payment due date approaches, we calculate percent of sales of goods in comparison with planned targets. Thus, tools of a system help us to reveal miscalculations in purchases, to minimize possible financial losses", - Bulashev Nikolay, the head of IT department of Partnyor holding specifies.
Management of pricing is conducted at the level of a format of shop and the region of its presence now, discounts can be varied on hours and days. New ERP is integrated with a loyalty system, the POS system, the system of accounting.
Within the Partner project provided the tasks connected taking into account self-produced finished goods. In the ERP system it is possible to define requirement of shops for production orders, to set standards of a consumption of raw materials, to conduct compoundings with an unlimited number of enclosure of ingredients, to consider finished goods in these ingredients, to calculate product cost on the actual exit.
The solution Columbus Food Retail also includes previously configured OLAP reporting packet on the basis of the Microsoft SQL Server. With its help it is possible to obtain operational data on work of each shop and network in general in the mode approximate to real time.
Along with implementation of the ERP system in Partnyor holding the project on automation of the distribution center is implemented. For this purpose specialists of integrator started the full-function solution Columbus WMS. A system based on Microsoft Dynamics AX helped to reduce goods receipt terms by shelves of shops of holding, to control products expiration dates, promoted increase in capacity of a warehouse.
Nikolay Bulashev, head of IT department of Partnyor holding: "Summing up the intermediate results of implementation, I will note good scalability of the solution Columbus Food Retail. In a former system we regularly faced performance concerns. Now there are no problems though the number of users of a system increased by 4 times. Practically in each module Columbus Food Retail the set of the new opportunities other than standard functionality of Microsoft Dynamics AX is put. We already estimated advantages of their use in assortment management and retail prices, in purchases and control of settlings with suppliers. Also I will note professionalism of Columbus in the field of project management, even during the difficult periods our combined team was not beaten out from the project diagram and finished all assigned tasks".