Customers: Rosfud Product: Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 На базе: Microsoft Dynamics NAV Project date: 2013/11
Advantages of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2 were already estimated also by the Russian customers. So, ROSFUD Group which in 20 years of the activity managed to turn from small firm on deliveries of meat products to the Russian market to group with more than 100 partners from 23 countries of the world used ERP systems from Microsoft at each stage of the development.
"We work with the solutions Microsoft Dynamics since 1998, then for the first time there was a need for business process automation of the company "Hladprodukt, - Ostroumov Arkady, the director of IT department of ROSFUD Group comments, – the ERP system "grew together with us": we expanded functionality, scaled a system and upgraded to new versions. And today, in connection with development of our business and emergence of new tasks, we select the flexible and checked by time business solution of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2".