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Flexible Computing Express

Developers: Orange Business Services
Date of the premiere of the system: 2014/03/12
Technology: Cloud Computing,  IaaS - Infrastructure as service,  Data processing centers are technologies for DPC

Flexible Computing Express is a cloud platform of provision of services of computing powers on the basis of TSODPO the Infrastructure as a Service models (IaaS).

On March 12, 2014 Orange Business Services announced start of a cloud platform of Flexible Computing Express in Russia.


The Flexible Computing Express platform represents virtual private "cloud" and provides delivery of services of computing powers on the basis of DPC, in France. Further provision of services of Flexible Computing Express and other cloud services will be possible on the basis of other data centers of Orange (Germany, Poland).

Orange started Flexible Computing Express in Russia as continuation of development of global cloud strategy. Service is intended for solving of tasks:

  • placement of web applications for the Internet and the Intranet using databases (for example, websites with intensive web traffic)
  • creating applications for the solution of production tasks, including with increased requirements to security
  • creation of reserve data center.


The solution is focused on the Russian companies having plans of the international expansion. Its main advantages:

  • access on VPN channel and via the Internet, technical support in Russian.
  • the raised security level, is implemented at the expense of the built-in antivirus and anti-DDOS, the virtual firewall, the virtual balancer of loading.
  • cost optimization due to unification and centralization of infrastructure, increases return level from investments into IT.

"The market of cloud services in our country still small, but shows steady growth, – Shakirzyanov, the head of department of strategy and the business analysis of Orange Business Services in Russia and the CIS noted the Almaz. - At the same time we have a high growth rate of services of IaaS and SaaS – in total it is 42%. The growing demand from banks is obvious, the oil companies, retail and other sectors of economy. Telecom operators surely feel in this market, proposing the innovative cloud solutions".