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Home Credit ordered the system of functional testing

Customers: Home Credit and Finance Bank Home Credit and Finance Bank

Contractors: Aplana Aplana
Product: Projects of IT outsourcing

Project date: 2014/01  - 2014/03

On March 12, 2014 specialists of Aplana announced project completion of development of the system of the automated functional testing (SAFT) for banking systems of Homer and TWCC for the benefit of Home Credit and Finance Bank.

Project Results

Implementation of SAFT helped the customer to reduce significantly the volume of manual transactions, thereby increasing quality of the performed works and objectivity of results.

For the solution of assigned tasks, in the first project phase developed the system of functional testing for automation [1], in the subsequent phases the volume of checks extended inclusion in the system of regression tests.

In addition developed scenarios for preparation and obtaining test data. Implementation of this task helped to start freely SAFT in all test environments of the customer.

For March 12, 2014 SAFT is effectively used by the customer's specialists when testing new releases of automated systems. The automated functional testing reduces time, increases quality of programs and reduces the cost of the total costs of the project.


  1. of smoke-тестовsmoke - the test - "smoke" testing - check on appreciable errors in the program