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FICO Debt Manager

Developers: FICO
Branches: Financial services, investments and audit
Technology: Office applications,  Accounting systems

FICO Debt Manager is the automation system at all stages of work with arrears.


A system helps to automate completely activity at all stages of work with arrears — from the moment of its emergence before return of a debt or collecting judicially. The solution supports all range of the credit banking products which are present at the Russian market for March 10, 2014.

There is a functionality of monitoring helping to estimate efficiency, both individual employees, and business processes in general. Using this functionality, estimating the cost of passing of the credit on strategy, can operate bank costs for collecting of debt.


  • Start of a new credit product does not require significant completions of a system.
  • The solution supports work with debts of physical persons and legal entities.

Debt Manager contains tools for fast and flexible configuration of unique strategy of work with debtors, segmentation of a pool of problem contracts, proceeding from their quality, automatic formation of tasks to the staff of division of return of debt and automatic execution of different actions as, for example, mailing of letters and SMS.

Use of the systems of this type helps bank to collect the most part of unsettled debts at the stage soft-collection, thereby significantly reducing reserves by possible losses. A system also allows to provide information exchange with the internal and external divisions supporting process of claims activities at late stages.